2019 Summer LakeLine issue on Harmful Algal Blooms

The summer 2019 issue of NALMS LakeLine magazine focuses on harmful algal blooms.

Summer is prime time for potentially Harmful Algal Blooms to appear in lakes. Every other year, the summer issue of NALMS LakeLine focuses on what is currently going on in terms of cyanobacteria research, technologies, and advisories. It seems like HABs are occurring at an ever-increasing frequency, with Lake Erie’s large and long-lived bloom well-publicized in the media in recent years, and fears lingering of another such epic bloom.

Topics in the 2019 summer HABs issue include the detection of cyanobacteria with satellites, a well-developed monitoring program on Lake Champlain, and the importance of studying benthic cyanobacteria.

LakeLine | Summer 2019 | open to NALMS members

Digital versions of the other recent LakeLine issues dedicated to cyanobacteria are also available on the NALMS website.

LakeLine | Summer 2017 | open to NALMS members

LakeLine | Summer 2015 | open to everyone

LakeLine | Fall 2012 | open to NALMS members