Student Video Series: “Lake Management”

NALMS is seeking student-produced videos of “Lake Management” for inclusion in the video series hosted on the NALMS YouTube channel and website.

In addition to the basic requirements in the Video Evaluation Rubric, this video can cover:

  • Defining lake management
  • How to identify, describe, and define lake and reservoir problems
  • Evaluation of available lake and watershed management practices to address specific problems to protect water quality (please avoid mention of brand names)
  • Describe the process of developing a site-specific lake or reservoir management plan
  • Examples of applied lake management plans and their outcomes

Awards for top video include: $500 USD travel award to annual NALMS conference; free one-year NALMS membership; promotion on NALMS website, YouTube channel, and social media platforms; and an award and recognition at the annual NALMS conference.*

*If a video is authored by multiple students, these award benefits will be split equally among the authors.

Submit a Release Form to or upload to Dropbox with your video submission.
(Note: now required for ALL entries!)

Deadline for video submission: April 15, 2019.

Interested in learning more?
Visit the Student Video Series webpage.