All times PST.
Program subject to change.
Updated 07 October 2024

Wednesday, November 6

Concurrent Session A

10:30 am – 12:00 am

Session A1: Continuous Sensor Technology

Are Drones Worth It: A Comparative Cost-Benefit Analysis for Water Quality Monitoring

Amelia Jones1, Charles Jurden2, and Daniel Sweeney3
1TRC, San Francisco, California; 2TRC, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 3TRC, Lakewood, Colorado

Long-term Deployment of Ammonium ISE for EA: Section 82 Compliance Monitoring

Zack Henderson
Xylem Analytics, Yellow Springs, Ohio

Effects of Varying Wind Direction and Speed on ADCP-Measured Water Movements – Case Study for Lake Arrowhead, CA

Arnold Trippel1, David James1, Joshua Gonzales2, Diego Castellano3, Bradley Bohannon1, Sanjay Matthew3, Nicholas Flach4, Matthew Cacuci5, Ali Saber6, and Tracy Vermeyen7
1University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada; 2Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada; 3University of Nevada Reno, Reno, Nevada; 4California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California; 5Meadows School, Las Vegas, Nevada; 6University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada; 7US Bureau Reclamation (retired), Denver, Colorado

New Jersey Freshwater Harmful Algal Bloom Science and Response – Review of 2017–2024

Robert Newby
NJDEP – Division of Science and Research, Trenton, New Jersey

Session A2: The Freshwater Imperative

Revisiting the Freshwater Imperative: Challenges in Knowledge Implementation

Steven Sadro1, Kathryn Cottingham2, Erin Hotchkiss3, Anne Mook4, Michael Vanni5, and Catherine O’Reilly6
1University of California, Davis, Davis, California; 2Dartmouth, Hanover, New Hampshire; 3Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia; 4Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, Colorado State University, Colorado Springs, Colorado; 5Miami University, Oxford, Ohio; 6Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois

Panel Discussion

Session A3: Quagga Mussels

Environmental Factors Limiting Invasive Mussel Infestation on Salt River Project Reservoirs

Thomas Ashley1, Amy Yarnall2, Sherri Pucherelli3, Rheannan Quattlebaum3, and Todd Swannack2
1United States Bureau of Reclamation Lower Colorado Basin Region, Las Vegas, Nevada; 2US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineering Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi; 3US Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Service Center, Denver, Colorado

Cleaning the Inside of Boats to Prevent Ais Spread – It Can Be Done

Holly Wellard Kelly, Valerie Brady, Kari Pierce, Bob Hell, Paul Jeffrey, Brennan Pederson, and Josh Dumke
Natural Resources Research Institute/University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth, Minnesota

Rapid Response Initiative for Incipient Population of Quagga Mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis Andrusov, 1897) in the Northwest US: Snake River, Idaho

West Bishop1 and Travis Fuller2
1SePRO, Whitakers, North Carolina; 2SePRO, Lynnwood, Washington

Plan B for Invasive Mussels

David Hammond
Earth Science Labs, Larkspur, California

Session A4: Hypoxia

What Causes Metalimnetic Hypoxia in Green Lake, Wisconsin, and Why Have They Gotten Worse?

Dale Robertson1, Benjamin Siebers1, Paul Reneau1, Cory McDonald2, Stephanie Prellwitz3, Robert Ladwig4, and David Hamilton5
1US Geological Survey, Madison, Wisconsin; 2Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan; 3Green Lake Association, Green Lake, Wisconsin; 4Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; 5Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia

Summer Thermal Stratification and Hypolimnetic Oxygen Depletion in Southern Québec

Yohanna Klanten, Cynthia Soueid, Sébastien Bourget, Caroline Brûlé, and Colette Ward
Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP), Québec, Québec, Canada

Effect of Oxic, Hypoxic, and Anoxic Conditions on Sediment Release of Nutrients and Metals From Two Contrasting Hypereutrophic and Meso-Eutrophic Reservoirs in California

Shelby Defeo1, Marc Beutel1, Naivy Rodal Morales1, and Maia Singer2
1University of California, Merced, California; 2Stillwater Sciences, Berkeley, California

Session A5: Sediment Nutrient Analysis

Understanding Reservoir Benthic Environment to Improve Water Quality Management – An In-Depth Sediment Analysis of Lake Skinner

Jennifer Massoll
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

Psenner Analysis: A Powerful Tool for Assessing the Role of Sediment in a Eutrophic Belgian Canal

Said Yasseri1, Maíra Mucci2, and Nigel Traill3
1Limological Solutions International (LSI), Hamburg, Germany; 2LSI, Utrecht, The Netherlands; 3LSI, Maroochydore, Queensland, Australia

Relationships, Trends, and Takeaways From Sediment Phosphorus Fractionation of More Than 500 Samples From Around the World

Byran Fuhrmann1, Ben Willis2, Carey Barkley2, Scott Shuler1, and Ryan Van Goethem1
1EutroPHIX, Whitakers, North Carolina; 2SePRO Corporation, Whitakers, North Carolina

Phosphorus Fractionation and Metals Data in Sediment and Porewater Can Provide Insight Into Potentially Successful Management Approaches

Keith Pilgrim and Katie Turpin-Nagel
Barr Engineering, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Session A6: Education and Outreach 1

Bottom-Up and Muti-Pronged: How CyanoHAB Education Contributed to Securing Major Grants for Lake and Watershed Planning

Patricia Kennedy1 and Kiyoko Yokota2
1Otsego Lake Watershed Supervisory Committee, Cooperstown, New York; 2State University of New York at Oneonta, Oneonta, New York

Bloom: a Digital Simulation Game for Building Capacity to Understand and Test Solutions to Nutrient Pollution in Lakes

Lauren Knose1, Victor Zavala2, David Gagnon2, Gerardo Ruiz Mercado3, Autumn Beauchesne2, Mary Benetti2, David Cole2, Phil Doughtery2, Sarah Gagnon2, Reyna Groff2, Levi Huillet2, Eric Lang2, Bobby Lockhart2, Jim Matthews2, Amelia Moser2, and Cyril Peck2
1Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Program, US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio; 2Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin; 3Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio; Universidad del Atlántico, Puerto Colombia, Colombia

Assessing the Health of Freshwater Ponds on Cape Cod

Tara Nye Lewis, Heather McElroy, Timothy Pasakarnis, and Jessica Rempel
Cape Cod Commission, Barnstable, Massachusetts

Making Waves in Southern Minnesota Lake Stewardship

Julie Blackburn1, Paul Marston2, and Sarah Boser2
1ISG, Mankato, Minnesota; 2ISG, St. Louis Park, Minnesota

Session A7: Wildfire Impacts

Recent and Historic Wildfire Impacts and Monitoring for California State Water Project Reservoirs

Daniel Wisheropp
California Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, California

Fully Leveraged Climate Data: A Combined Fire & Flood Decision Support System

Steve Elgie1 and Dirk Schwanenberg2
1KISTERS North America, Roseville, California; 2KISTERS AG, Aachen, Germany

Human Health and Ecological Effects in Surface Waters from Wildfire Effects

Jenny Phillips
TRC, Fort Collins, Colorado

Post-fire Low-Cost Low-Tech Stream Restoration: Saxon Creek & Trout Creek Beaver Dam Analogs

Patrick Johnson
Nevada Tahoe Conservation District, Zephyr Cove, Nevada

Assessing Fuel Treatment Effectiveness in the Lake Tahoe Basin After the 2021 Caldor Fire

Saba Saberi1 and Hugh Safford1,2
1Department of Environmental Science and Policy, UC Davis, Davis, California; 2Vibrant Planet, Truckee, California

Concurrent Session B

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Session B1: Algal Sensing

How Algae Sensors Work

Kerry Caslow
In-Situ, Fort Collins, Colorado

In Situ and Aerial Approaches for Monitoring Nearshore Algae at Lake Tahoe

Adrianne Smits, Katie Senft, and Brandon Berry
Tahoe Environmental Research Center, University of California Davis, Davis, California

Corrections for Quenching Effects on Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Measurements and Their Importance for Characterizing Lake Phytoplankton Distribution

Samantha L. Sharp1, Alexander L. Forrest1, Derek C. Roberts2, and S. Geoffrey Schladow1
1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Tahoe Environmental Research Center, University of California, Davis, Davis, California; 2Tahoe Environmental Research Center, University of California, Davis, Davis, California

Proactive Mitigation of Harmful Algae Blooms Through Real-Time, Remote Monitoring

Andrew Z Skibo
Amaruq Environmental Services, Missoula, Montana

Session B2: Proactive Nutrient Management

Setting Short-Term and Long-Term Phosphorus Reduction Goals in Impaired Lakes and Unimpaired Lakes

Moriya Rufer
Houston Engineering, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

A Proposal for Integrating Strategies to Improve and Water Quality and Habitat of Aquatic Resources Combining Selective Invasive Aquatic Plant Control With Targeted Nutrient Mitigation

Mark Heilman1, James Leary2, and Byran Fuhrmann3
1SePRO, Carmel, Indiana; 2University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; 3SePRO, Whitakers, North Carolina

Phosphorus Interception for Effective Watershed Management: A Broadened Approach for Green Lake, Wisconsin

Stephanie Prellwitz
Green Lake Association, Green Lake, Wisconsin

Development of a 9-Element Watershed-Based Management Plan for North Pond (Maine, USA): Managing Water Quality in the Presence of Biologically Mediated Phosphorus Transport

Jennifer Jespersen1 and Danielle Wain2
1Ecological Instincts, Manchester, Maine; 27 Lakes Alliance, Belgrade Lakes, Maine

Session B3: Invasive Species Management

Building Capacity to Prevent AIS in the Columbia River Basin

Edgar Rudberg and Mark Apfelbacher
CD3 General Benefit Corporation, Saint Paul, Minnesota

Patterns of Rapid Plant Loss & Recovery After Triploid Grass Carp Stocking in Candlewood Lake, CT

Neil Stalter1, Joe Cassone2, Steve Kluge1, and Mark Howarth1
1Candlewood Lake Authority, Sherman, Connecticut; 2Connecticut DEEP Fisheries, Hartford, Connecticut

What You Can Do to Protect Sensitive Vegetation From Invasive Crayfish

Brennan Pederson1, Paul Jeffrey1, Tyler Kaspar2, Matt Santo2, Liz Anderson3, Amanda Weberg4, Hannah Hill5, Josh Dumke1, Bob Hell1, Valerie Brady1, Holly Wellard Kelly1, and Kari Pierce1
1Natural Resources Research Institute/University of Minnesota Duluth, Hermantown, Minnesota; 21854 Treaty Authority, Duluth, Minnesota; 3Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District, Two Harbors, Minnesota; 4Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District, Grand Marais, Minnesota; 5United States Forest Service, Grand Marais, Minnesota

How Many Propagules Does It Take to Produce an Invasion? A Protist-Ballast Water Simulation

Abigail E. Latanich1, Mal N. Aliff1, Matthew L. Julius2, Courtney E. Larson3, Euan D. Reavie1
1University of Minnesota, Duluth – NRRI, Duluth, Minnesota; 2St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota; 3University of Minnesota, Duluth and US Environmental Protection Agency, Duluth, Minnesota

Session B4: HAB Management

Nutrient and Cyanobacteria Dynamics in an Urban Lake

Anja Brey1 and Byran Fuhrmann2
1East Bay Regional Park District, Oakland, California; 2EutroPHIX, Whitakers, North Carolina

Managing Expectations: Lake Roaming Rock’s Path to Balanced Water Quality

Bradley Bartelme and Marty Hilovsky
EnviroScience Inc., Cleveland, Ohio

Managing Benthic Cyanobacteria in Water Resources

West Bishop
EutroPHIX/SePRO, Whitakers, North Carolina

Not All Coppers Are the Same

David Hammond
Earth Science Labs, Inc., Larkspur, California

Session B5: Novel Aquatic Plant Control Strategies

Reestablishing Como Lake’s Aquatic Plant Community by Transplanting Native Vegetation From a Donor Lake

Britta Belden and Bob Fossum
Capitol Region Watershed District, Saint Paul, Minnesota

Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drone) Technology for the Control of Aquatic Vegetation in Hard to Access Wetland Habitats

Thomas McNabb1 and Thomas Moorhouse2
1Clean Lakes, Inc., Coeur d’Alene, Idaho; 2Clean Lakes, Inc., Westlake Village, California

Non-chemical Control and Eradication of Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) Using Biodegradable Benthic Barriers on a Large Recreational Lake in Michigan

Ronald Reimink
Lake Leelanau Lake Association, Leland, Michigan

Use of UV-C Light Exposure to Control Aquatic Invasive Macrophytes

Emily Carlson1, Elizabeth Everest1, Erin Suenaga1, John Paoluccio2, and Sudeep Chandra1
1Global Water Center and the Department of Biology, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada; 2Inventive Resources, Inc., Salida, California

Session B6: Community Science 1

Citizen Science as a Means for Validating Remote Sensing Data on Lakes

Grant Parkins1, Tamlin Pavelsky1, Sheikh Ghafoor2, Faisal Hossain3, Angélica M. Gómez1, and Megan Lane1
1University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; 2Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, Tennessee; 3University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Community Science Data Use: The Pathway to Agency Acceptance

Anthony Thorpe and Alba Argerich
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri

Community Lake Science, Education, and Advocacy to Address the Road Salt Challenge

Robyn L. Smyth1, Benjamin Harris2, Claire Dickson3, Pammi Price4, Melanie Patapis5, Mikaela Martiros6, and Shawn Wallbillich7
1Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York; 2Raritan Headwaters, Bedminster, New Jersey; 3Environmental Resources Management, Boston, Massachusetts; 4Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Albany, New York; 5Hudson Valley Regional Council, Newburgh, New York; 6Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts; 7University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

A Transdisciplinary Approach to Lake Stewardship, From College to Community

Emily Nodine
Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida

Concurrent Session C

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Session C1: Aerial and Satellite Sensing

Developing Aerial Surveillance Methods for Identifying Water Hyacinth on Lake Lochloosa in Florida

Amber Riner1, Jonathan Glueckert1, Nathan Pals1, Ayesha Malligai2, James Leary1, Amr Abd-Elrahman2, and Gregory MacDonald1
1Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, UF IFAS, Gainesville, Florida; 2School of Fisheries and Geomatic Sciences, UF IFAS, Wimuama, Florida

Regulatory Monitoring Support by High Resolution Satellite Data in Highly Eutrophic Lakes in California

Edward Albada1, Karin Schenk2, Philipp Bauer2, John Rudolph3
1EOMAP USA Inc., Santa Barbara, California; 2EOMAP GmbH & Co. KG, Seefeld, Germany; 3WSP, San Diego, California

Combining High and Very-High Resolution Satellite-Based Water Quality Data With On-Site Sensor Data to Provide More Comprehensive Assessments of Extreme Events

Insley Haciski1, Matt Previte1, Edward Albada2, and Karin Schenk2
1Xylem, Inc., Yellow Springs, Ohio; 2EOMAP GmbH & Co. KG, Seefeld, Germany

Tracking Cyanobacterial Blooms in Alberta Lakes With Remote Sensing

Bradley Peter1 and Fiona Gregory2
1Alberta Lake Management Society, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; 2Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Session C2: Strategic Sediment Phosphorus Management

Need for System Analysis and Combined Measures to Control Eutrophication in Lakes

Mike Lurling and Maíra Mucci
Aquatic Ecology & Water Quality Management, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Gelderland, The Netherlands

Persistence Pays Off—Route to Sweeney Lake Delisting Follows Long and Winding Path

Greg Wilson
Barr Engineering Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota

Challenges in Treating Eutrophic Drinking Water Reservoirs With Lanthanum Modified Bentonite in Warm Regions – Cases From Brazil

Tiago Finkler Ferreira, Leonardo Kleba Lisboa, and Julia Costa
Hydroscience, Floriaopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Adsorption Capacities and Controlling Internal Nutrient Load by of Different Geo-Engineering Materials

Yuxin Shi1, Maíra Mucci1,2, and Miquel Lürling1
1Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, the Netherlands; 2Limnological Solution International, Queensland, Australia

Session C3: Modeling Lake Hydrodynamics

Influence of Selective Withdrawal on Lake Mead Hydrodynamics Under Severe Drought

Chang L. Vang, Deena Hannoun, and Todd Tietjen
Southern Nevada Water Authority, Las Vegas, Nevada

Windfield Model Comparison for Evaluating Steep Lakeside Terrain Effects

David James1, Joshua Gonzales2, Nicholas Flach3, Sanjay Mathew4, and Austin Inouye1
1University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada; 2Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada; 3California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California; 4University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada

Modeling Streamflow and Sediment Yield Within Two Mountainous Watersheds Within Rain-Snow-Transition Zone of the Sierra Nevada

Louis Amegbletor, Marc Beutel, and Safeeq Khan
University of California Merced, Merced, California

Enhancing Hydrodynamic Modeling for Managing Temperature in Urban Water Systems: A Case Study of Lake Washington and the Ship Canal

Thomas Mathis1, Mehrzad Shahidzadehasadi1, Bui Minh Hoa2, and Paul M. Craig1
1DSI, LLC, Edmonds, Washington; 2DSI, LLC, Hanoi, Vietnam

Session C4: Aeration and Mixing

High Flow Mechanical Circulators: Examples of Applications and Results

Tom C. Hausenbauer
Limnetics Corporation, Mishawaka, Indiana

To Mix or Not to Mix? Stratification-Preserving vs. Destratification Aeration of a Drinking-Water Supply Reservoir

Lee Bryant1, Niamh Brockbank1, and David Austin2
1University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom; 2Jacobs, Saint Paul, Minnesota

Diffused Air Destratification Technology: Historical Use, Results, and Future Trends

Ken Kolesar1, Alex Gerling2, Elizabeth Crafton-Nelson2, Mark Mobley1, and Miles Mobley1
1Mobley Engineering Inc., Norris, Tennessee; 2Hazen and Sawyer, Greenwood Village, Colorado

Swartswood Lake Aeration System Investigation

Michael Hartshorne1 and Patrick Rose2
1Princeton Hydro, Exton, Pennsylvania; 2Princeton Hydro, Trenton, New Jersey

Session C5: Aquatic Invasive Plant Management

Invasive Plant Management and Rare Aquatic Plants: Strategies to Mitigate and Prevent Loss of Desirable Species

Alejandro Reyes
GEI Consultants, Huntington Station, New York

Selective Control of Hydrilla and Other Vegetation Management to Restore Littoral Habitat in Lake Apopka, Florida

Nathalie Visscher1, James Leary2, Kelli Gladding2, Erich Marzolf3, and Mark Heilman4
1Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Inverness, Florida; 2University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida; 3St. John’s River Water Management District, Palatka, Florida; 4SePRO, Carmel, Indiana

Forty Years of Management of Eurasian Watermilfoil at Saratoga Lake, New York

Dean Long
SLPID, Saratoga Springs, New York

Hydrilla Whack-a-Mole: The Evolution of a 7+ Year Pilot Project

Heather Desko and Kyle Clonan
New Jersey Water Supply Authority, Clinton, New Jersey

Session C6: Community Science 2

Harnessing Community Science Data to Understand Gloeotrichia Blooms in the Belgrade Lakes

Danielle Wain1, Grady Florance2, Adrian Gellert2, and Whitney King2
17 Lakes Alliance, Belgrade Lakes, Maine; 2Colby College, Waterville, Maine

Volunteer Monitoring in Environmental Justice Areas and Disadvantaged Communities

Alene Onion and Charles Stoll
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York

Back to the Future With bloomWatch: The Past, Present, and Future of an App for Crowdsourcing Cyanobacteria Bloom Reports

Shane Bradt
University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, Durham, New Hampshire

The Winter LakeKeepers Program: Unveiling the Dynamics of Alberta’s Winter Lakes Through Citizen Science Monitoring

Kurstyn Perrin
Alberta Lake Management Society, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Thursday, November 7

Concurrent Session D

9:15 am – 11:15 am

Session D1: Interesting Studies in Lake Management: Management Studies

Why Lake Managers Could Find Benefit From More Lake Modeling

Keith Pilgrim1, Katie Turpin-Nagel1, and Peter Isles2
1Barr Engineering Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota; 2Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, South Burlington, Vermont

Enhancing Understanding of African Great Lakes: Local Insights on Changes, Adaptations, and Possible Solutions for Lake Victoria

Edwin Wagah1, Oyoo Ogeda2, Osodo Bonzo2, George Aira2, Elizabeth Nyboer3, and Zsolt Molnar4
1Eótvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary; 2Local Fisherfolk representative, Muhuru-Bay, Kenya; 3Adaptive Fishers Lab, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia; 4Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Traditional Ecological Knowledge Research Group, Budapest, Hungary

A Lake That Flows Both Ways Part 2: The Implementation Game

Katie Sweeney1, Tim Clark1, and Rob Zisette2
1Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc., Portland, Oregon; 2Herrera Environmental Consultants, Inc. Seattle, Washington

Microplastics: A Summary of Current Understanding of Human Health and Ecological Effects

Jenny Phillips
TRC, Fort Collins, Colorado

Watershed Planning, Partnerships, and Public Education to Address Excessive Nutrients in a Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Ancestral Pond

Matt Ladewig1, Jason Steiding2, Dale Oakley2, Ashley Fisher3, Kimberly Groff4, Erik Mas5, Diane Mas5, and John Szczepanski1
1TRC, East Providence, Rhode Island; 2Department of Natural Resources – Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, Mashpee, Massachusetts; 3Department of Natural Resources – Town of Mashpee, Mashpee, Massachusetts; 4Southeast New England Program Network, Marblehead, Massachusetts; 5Fuss & O’Neill, Inc., Springfield, Massachusetts

Session D2: National Lake Assessment

The US EPA’s National Lakes Assessment: 2022 Survey Results

Lareina Guenzel
US EPA OW/OWOW, Washington, District of Columbia

Predicting the Distribution of Cyanobacteria and Microcystin in Lakes of the Conterminous United States From Lake, Watershed, and Climate Characteristics

Amalia Handler1, Jana Compton1, Michael Dumelle1, Marc Weber1, Ryan Hill1, Lara Jansen2, Meredith Brehob3, Robert Sabo4, and Michael Peninno4
1Pacific Ecological Systems Division, Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment, Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, Oregon; 2Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Post-doctoral Participant c/o Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, Oregon; 3Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, Participant c/o Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, District of Columbia; 4Health Effects and Environmental Assessment Division, Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, District of Columbia

Assessing 50 Years of Change in Eutrophication in Lakes Sampled in the 1970s National Eutrophication Survey

Donald Benkendorf1, Kerry Kuntz1, Lareina Guenzel1, Morgan Mack2, and Alan Herlihy3
1Office of Water, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, District of Columbia; 2ORISE, USEPA, Office of Water, Washington, District of Columbia; 3Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon

NALMS Information Systems for the Secchi Dip-In and Other NALMS Projects (AWQMS and Lake Observer)

Mark LeBaron
Gold Systems, Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah

Integrating Data Collection and Analysis Tools to Inform Regional Pond Assessment and Management on Cape Cod

Tim Pasakarnis1, Tara Lewis1, Jessica Rempel1, Heather McElroy1, Jennie Rheuban2, Dylan Titmuss2, and Liz Moran3
1Cape Cod Commission, Barnstable, Massachusetts; 2Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts; 3Anchor QEA, Syracuse, New York

Revision of New Mexico’s Lake Nutrients Assessment and Sampling Methodologies Using USEPA’s 2021 “Ambient Water Quality Criteria to Address Nutrient Pollution in Lakes and Reservoirs” Models

Meredith Zeigler, Miguel Montoya, and Lynette Guevara
New Mexico Environment Department, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Session D3: Modeling Lake Water Quality

Predicting Ice Seasons on Minnesota’s Lakes

Tim Martin1 and Casey Schoenebeck2
1Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Saint Paul, Minnesota; 2Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Glenwood, Minnesota

Inhibition of Spring Turnover in a Brackish Lake Subject to Ice Cover

Sara Jamali1, Edmund W Tedford1, Bernard Laval1, Roger Pieters2, and Gregory A Lawrence1
1Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; 2Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Modeling Mechanically-Driven Internal Nutrient Loading in a Temperate Lake Using Coupled High-Resolution Weather, Hydrologic, and Hydrodynamic Models

Michael R. Kelly1,2, Lloyd A. Treinish1, Guillaume A.R. Auger1, Vincent W. Moriarty1,2, Anthony P. Praino1, Michael E. Henderson1, Mukul Tewari1, John Ma1, Harry R. Kolar1, and Kevin C. Rose2
1IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, New York; 2Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York

Using a Water-Quality Model to Evaluate Effects of Increased Storage on Reservoir Water Quality

Kevin Bierlein1, Charly Hoehn2, and Christine Hawley1
1Hydros Consulting Inc., Boulder, Colorado; 2Chatfield Reservoir Mitigation Company Inc., Littleton, Colorado

Three-Dimensional Modeling and Short-Term CyanoHABs Forecasting in Lake Champlain

Kareem Hannoun1, Imad A. Hannoun1, Andrew W. Schroth2, Asim Zia2, Scott Turnbull2, Patrick J. Clemins2, Panagiotis Oikonomou2, Muhammad Adil2, Donna M. Rizzo2, and Peter Isles3
1Water Quality Solutions, McGaheysville, Virginia; 2University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont; 3Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Montpelier, Vermont

A Spatial Screening Model for Identifying Priority Road Segments for Managing a Toxic Tire Chemical (6PPD-q)

Timothy Clark
Herrera Environmental Consultants, Portland, Oregon

Session D4: HAB Management

Developing Strategies for Overwintering Cyanobacteria in Sediments Contributing to Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)

Andrew McQueen1, Alyssa Calomeni-Eck1, Ciera Kinley-Baird2, Elizabeth Smith3, Marvin Boyer4, and Gerard Clyde, Jr.5
1US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi; 2Aquatic Control, Seymour, Indiana; 3Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Bureau of Water, Topeka, Kansas; 4US Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Kansas City, Missouri; 5US Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Retrievable 3D Printed Structures for Advanced Photocatalysis of Microcystins

Alyssa Calomeni-Eck, Andrew McQueen, Mark Ballentine, Brianna Fernando, Lauren May, and Nicolas Melby
US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi

Managing Cyanobacteria in Reservoir Releases Using a Water Quality Control Curtain

Mike Deas1, Brooke Mejica1, and Demian Ebert2
1Watercourse Engineering, Inc., Davis, California; 2PacifiCorp, Portland, Oregon

Fire, Flood, Algae, and Fish Kill – Assessment of Environmental Impacts in Lake Elsinore, California. A Chain of Events Following the Holy Fire and Follow-Up Studies to Test Innovative Remedial Technologies In Situ to Control Cyanobacteria Blooms.

Hannah Kranz1, John Rudolph1, Chris Stransky1, Rebekah Guill2, and Abigail Suter2
WSP, San Diego, California; 2Riverside Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Riverside, California

Oxygen Saturation Technology for HAB Control in Washington State Lakes

Rob Zisette, Timothy Clark, and Katie Sweeny
Herera Environmental Consultants, Seattle, Washington

The Role of Overwintering Microcystis Seedstock in Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics

Ellen Preece1, Janis Cooke2, Timothy Otten3, and Katherine Cook3
1California Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, California; 2Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, Rancho Cordova, California; 3Bend Genetics, LLC., Sacramento, California

Session D5: Phosphorus Management Chemistry

Two Aluminium Mixtures for In-Stream Phosphorus Adsorption to Reduce Diffuse External Loads

Johan Christiaan van Snippenberg
Wageningen University, Wageningen, Gelderland, The Netherlands

Novel Ammonium and/or Phosphate Binders to Control Internal Loading in Lakes

Maíra Mucci and Mike Lurling
Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Gelderland, The Netherlands

Comparison of Aluminum and Lanthanum Based Products for Sediment Inactivation: Chemistry, Dosing, and Effectiveness

Harvey Harper
Environmental Research & Design, Belle Isle, Florida

A Large-Scale Phosphorus Mitigation Project Utilizing EutroSORB® to Improve Water Quality at Moses Lake, Washington

Ryan Van Goethem1, Scott Shuler2, Byran Fuhrmann3, West Bishop3, and Terence McNabb4
1EutroPHIX, Spokane, Washington; 2EutroPHIX, Carmel, Indiana; 3SePRO Corporation, Whitakers, North Carolina; 4AquaTechnex LLC., Bellingham, Washington

No-So-Rare Elements: How Lanthanide Elements Play Important Roles for Water and the Environment

Greg G. Page
Neo Water Treatment, Salt Lake City, Utah

Shallow Lakes Aren’t Small Deep Lakes – Management Challenges

Katie Turpin-Nagel1, Keith Pilgrim1, and Erica Sniegowski2
1Barr Engineering Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota; 2Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Session D6: Education and Outreach 2

Beer for Good: Lakes Appreciation Month in the Hoosier State

Grace Patchett1, Rod Williams2, Jason Hoverman3, Sherri Reinsch3, Nick Burgmeier4, Eliza Hudson4, Lauren Frederick5, and Taylor Williams5
1Indiana Lakes Management Society & Aquatic Control Seymour, Indiana; 2Texas Tech & Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana; 3Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana; 4Purdue University Corydon, Indiana; 5Metazoa Brewing Co., Indianapolis, Indiana

Studying the Transfer of Knowledge From Lake Scientists to Lake Communities: Outcomes of a Pennsylvania Adult Education Program

Benjamin Harris1, Caroline Ramaley1, Beth Norman2, and Robyn Smyth3
1Bard College – Center for Environmental Policy, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York; 2Lacawac Sanctuary Field Station and Environmental Education Center, Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania; 3Bard College – Department of Environmental and Urban Studies, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York

Bringing Primary Functions of Rim Dams to Classrooms of the Central Valley.

Patrick Maloney
Turlock Irrigation District, Turlock California

An Update on the 314 Working Group Activities

Christopher Mikolajczyk1, Ben Rhoades1, and Kellie Merrell2
1Co-Chair NALMS 314 Working Group; 2President, NALMS

Lessons, Challenges, and Barriers – Advancing the National Nonpoint Source CWA §319 Program to Address Advancing Equity, Climate Change

Mike Scozzafava and Cyd Curtis
US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, District of Columbia

An Assessment of Online Search Terms to Control Aquatic Invasive Species: Implications for Education and Outreach Toward Ecologically Informed Aquatic Plant Management

Luke C. Huffman1, Tim Campbell2, Gavin Dehnert2, and Bret Shaw3
1Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies- Madison, Wisconsin; 2Wisconsin Sea Grant, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin;3Department of Life Sciences Communication & Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin

Session D7: Interesting Studies in Lake Management: Nutrients

Monitoring Nutrient and Sediment Loads to a Midwest Reservoir

Luis Garcia
USGS CMWSC, Urbana, Illinois

Algae Harvesting: A Scalable Solution for Long-term Nutrient Reduction and Management in Lakes

Byron A. Winston1, Daniel J. Levy2, Trevor Campbell3, Tammy Karst-Riddoch4, and Ramdeo Seepaul5
1AECOM, Tampa, Florida; 2AECOM Environmental Group, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; 3AECOM Environmental Group, Tallahassee, Florida; 4AECOM Environmental Group, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada; 5UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center, Quincy, Florida

Long-Term Changes in Nutrient Supply From Watersheds and Fish Drive Shifts in Nitrogen vs Phosphorus Limitation of Phytoplankton in a Eutrophic Lake

Michael Vanni, Maria Gonzalez, Bart Grudzinski, and Amy Weber
Department of Biology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Water Level Thresholds Drive Internal Nutrient Loading and Phytoplankton Diversity in a Tropical Eutrophic Reservoir

Jorge Ramirez-Zierold1, Gloria Vilaclara2, Martha Gaytan-Herrera2, Patricia Valdespino3, Mariel Barjau-Aguilar4, Oscar Gerardo-Nieto1, Sergio Castillo-Sandoval5, and Marin Merino-Ibarra5
1UNAM-CONAHCYT. Mexico City, Mexico; 2FES Iztacala UNAM, Tlalnepantla, EdoMex., Mexico; 3Escuela Nacional de Ciencias de la Tierra, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico; 4Instituto de Geología, UNAM. Mexico City, México; 5ICMIL, UNAM. Mexico City, Mexico

How Does the Nitrogen Cycle Behave With Water Level Fluctuations in a Tropical Eutrophic Reservoir? A Case Study Using a Long-Term 20- Year Series (2002–2020)

Mariel Barjau Aguilar1, Jorge Alberto Ramírez-Zierold2, Patricia Valdespino-Castillo3, F. Sergio Castillo-Sandoval3, Rocío Jetzabel Alcántara Hernández1, and Martín Merino-Ibarra3
1Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, México; 2Unidad Académica de Ecología y Biodiversidad Marina, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, D.F., México; 3Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City, CDMX, México

Status of Water Quality and Habitat Restoration of Lake Apopka, Florida

Dean Dobberfuhl, Erich Marzolf, Andy Canion, and Jodi Slater
Division of Water Resources, St. Johns River Water Management District, Palatka, Florida

Concurrent Session E

12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Session E1: Interesting Studies in Lake Management: Long Term Data Sets

Sustaining White Birch Lake: Analyzing Water Quality and Stakeholder Concerns

Alex Allen and Dan Stich
State University of New York at Oneonta, Oneonta, New York

A Comparison of Phytoplankton Community Compositions and Water Quality of Lakes Mead and Mohave (Nevada-Arizona, USA)

Charlotte van der Nagel, Deena Hannoun, and Todd Tietjen
Southern Nevada Water Authority, Las Vegas, Nevada

Iron and Manganese Cycling in Relation to the Phytoplankton Communities of Monomictic Subtropical Lakes

Matthew F. Gladfelter, Peyton P. Johnson, Anna Claire Mollica, Kate L. Merrill, Michael B. McDonald, Ashley V. Hennessey, Sathya S. Ganegoda, Gabriela Agreda-Lopez, and Alan E. Wilson
Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, USA

Using Past and Present Data to Identify Trends in a Kettle Lake System

Alexander Javitz and Daniel Stich
SUNY Oneonta, Oneonta, New York

Piloting Low Salt Design for Chloride Reduction

Carolyn Dindorf1 and Lori Haak2
1Bolton & Menk, Inc., Plymouth, Minnesota; 2City of Eden Prairie, Eden Prairie, Minnesota

STREAM: A Satellite-Based Analysis Tool for Rapid Evaluation of Aquatic Environments

Nima Pahlevan1, William Wainwright1, Akash Ashapure1, Navid Golpayegani2, Akash Ashapure1, Ryan O’Shea1, Sakib Kabir1, and Arun Saranathan1
1Science Systems and Applications Inc. / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland; 2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland

Session E2: Water Quality Monitoring and Management

Further Explorations in Comparing Secchi Disk Depths With and Without a View Scope in Northeastern Lakes

Kendra Kilson and George Knoecklein
Northeast Aquatic Research, LLC, Mansfield Center, Connecticut

Water Transparency in Three Mexican Crater Lakes

Arturo Chacon-Torres, Norma Carrillo-Torres, and Catalina Rosas-Monge
University Michoacana San Nicolas Hidalgo, Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico

Managing Lake Water Clarity Through Water Temperature Control

Jean Marie Boyer1, Esther Vincent2, and Kevin Bierlein1
1Hydros Consulting, Boulder, Colorado; 2Northern Water, Berthoud, Colorado

An Update on Public-Private Approach to Lake and Watershed Management and How Municipal-Based Watershed Plans Are Paving the Way for Grant Funded Management Projects

Chris Mikolajczyk
Princeton Hydro LLC, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Lake Mead Continuous Water Quality Monitoring Platforms: Trials and Tribulations

Roslyn Flanagan1, Todd Tietjen1, and Scott Schieffer2
1Southern Nevada Water Authority, Las Vegas, Nevada; 2City of Las Vegas, Nevada

How Climate Change Is Impacting the Monitoring and Management of Cyanobacteria Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)

Fred S. Lubnow
Princeton Hydro, LLC, Exton, Pennsylvania

Session E3: Modeling to Support Decision Making

Using Machine Learning to Detect Higher Levels of De Facto Reuse at a Drinking Water Intake

Emily Clements1, Kyle Thompson2, Gabriela Andrino1, Deena Hannoun1, and Eric Dickenson1
1Southern Nevada Water Authority, Henderson, Nevada; 2Carollo Engineers, Inc., Austin, Texas

Estimating Water Quality Trends in Lake Mead’s Overton Arm Using a Generalized Additive Model Approach

Carissa Wilkerson, Todd Tietjen, and Deena Hannoun
Southern Nevada Water Authority, Henderson, Nevada

How Is My Lake Doing? An Interactive Scorecard for Maine Lakes

Jeremy Deeds
Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Augusta, Maine

Modeling Watersheds and Lakes to Support Rational Management Decisions: LLRM and Lake Auburn

Kenneth Wagner
Water Resource Services, Wilbraham, Massachusetts

Science and Policy Arguments for a Dynamic TMDL Numeric Target in Lake Elsinore

Steve Wolosoff1 and Richard Meyerhoff2
1GEI Consultants, Boston, Massachusetts; 2GEI Consultants, Denver, Colorado

Investigating Cyanotoxin Drivers in Detroit Lake, Oregon

Norman Buccola1 and Theo Dreher2
1Portland District US Army Corps of Engineers, Portland, Oregon; 2Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon

Session E4: HAB Monitoring

Characterizing Trends in Seasonal Internal Loading With High-Frequency Sensors: Episodic Nutrient Fluxes as a Driver of Harmful Algal Blooms in Chautauqua Lake, NY

Vincent Moriarty1, Mark Lucius2, Allison Hrycik2, Michael Kelly1, Guillaume Auger3, Courtney Wigdahl-Perry4, Harry Kolar3, and Kevin Rose2
1IBM Research/ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lake George, New York; 2Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York; 3IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, New York; 4State University of New York, Fredonia, New York

Using Unoccupied Aerial Systems to Monitor Cyanobacterial Blooms Across Seasons

Alan Wilson1, Edna Fernandez-Figueroa2, and Stephanie Rogers1
1Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama; 2University of Tampa, Tampa, Florida

Harmful Algae Bloom Monitoring, Lake Evaluation, and Assessment Methodology in New York’s Small Lakes Using Sentinel-2 satellite data

Lewis McCaffrey1, Sarah Rickard2, Brian Duffy2, Alene Onion2, and Sarah Akbarnejad Nesheli3
1New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Syracuse, New York; 2New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York; 3State University of New York Environmental Science and Forestry College, Syracuse, New York

Monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms in the San Luis Reservoir, CA (USA) With Remote Sensing and a Ground Based Radiometer

Nicholas Tufillaro
Flying-Gybe, Inc., Corvallis, Oregon

Aqusens: AI-Powered Platform for Automated Quantification of Harmful Microobjects in Water

Maxim Batalin, Zoltan Gorocs, Dhruvin Naik, Jessica Keszey, Andrew Jones, Lin Li, and Maria Arredondo
Lucendi, Inc., Los Angeles, California

Investigating Harmful Algal Bloom Related Illness and Death Reported in California Freshwater and Estuarine Waters: A Collaborative Approach

Carly Nilson1, Karen Odkins2, Marisa Van Dyke1, Thomas Hayashi3, and Shannon Murphy4
1California State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, California; 2California Department of Fish and Wildlife, West Sacramento, California;3California Department of Public Health, Richmond, California; 4Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Sacramento, California

Session E5: Phosphorus Management with Alum

Importance of Setting Appropriate Goals for Sediment Inactivation Treatments

Dendy Lofton
Stantec, Houston, Texas

The Science and Art of Alum Treatment Planning, Permitting, and Execution Through the State Regulatory Process

Laura Diemer
FB Environmental Associates, Dover, New Hampshire

Lake Ketchum Restoration – 10 Years of Success Preventing Harmful Algal Blooms and Restoring Lake Health

Shannon Brattebo1, Marisa Burghdoff2, and Jen Oden2
1Tetra Tech, Inc., Spokane, Washington; 2Snohomish County Surface Water Management, Everett, Washington

Restoring Ticklenaked Pond Water Quality: 10 Years After Alum Treatment and Agricultural BMPs

Mark Mitchell
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation and University of Vermont Lake Champlain Sea Grant, Burlington, Vermont

Reducing Internal Phosphorus Load in a Deep Massachusetts Lake With Limited Funding: AKA the Donut Approach

Carl Nielsen1 and Keith Pilgrim2
1TRC Corporation, Windsor, Connecticut; 2Barr Engineering, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Examining Fishery Response to Alum Treatments in Minnesota Lakes to Understand Probability of Change in an Untreated Vermont Lake

Katie Kramarczuk and Keith Pilgrim
Barr Engineering, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Session E6: Innovations in Education and Outreach

Sim Lake: Exploring Watershed Moments Using Virtual Reality

Kathryn Cottingham1, Quin K. Shingai1, Alexander S. Munson1, Luke Cargill1, Ravin J. Anderson1, Elsie Wang1, Jessica V. Trout-Haney1, Jeffrey T. Kerby2, and James Mahoney1
1Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire; 2University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

The Colorado River Basin Post-2026 Operations Exploration Tool: Using Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty Methods in a Web-Based Decision-Support Tool to Connect Policymakers and Stakeholders

Season Martin1, Rebecca Smith2, and Amelia Pruiett3
1Virga Labs, Tucson, Arizona; 2US Bureau of Reclamation, Boulder, Colorado; 3Virga Labs, Portland, Oregon

Optimizing Web-based Outreach to Inform Ecologically Informed Aquatic Plant Management for Controlling Aquatic Invasive Species Under Changing Climate Conditions

Luke Huffman1, Tim Campbell2, Bret Shaw3, and Gavin Dehnert2
1University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin; 2Wisconsin Sea Grant, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin; 3Department of Life Sciences Communication & Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin

Innovative Storytelling and Stakeholder Engagement Through Western Hydrologic Data Projections and Exploration Tools

Season Martin1, Lydia Bleifuss2, and Amelia Pruiett3
1Virga Labs, Tucson, Arizona; 2Virga Labs, Los Angeles, California; 3Virga Labs, Portland, Oregon

Decision Support Tools for Pond Protection, Management, and Rehabilitation

Jessica Rempel
Cape Cod Commission, Barnstable, Massachusetts

Session E7: Data Verified Climate Impacts

Climate Change, Invasive Species, and Nutrient Pollution Are to Blame for Changing Primary Producers in the World’s Largest Freshwater Lake System

Euan Reavie, Meijun Cai, Katya Kovalenko, Elizabeth Alexson, and Holly Wellard Kelly
Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota Duluth, Duluth, Minnesota

Responses of Saline Mono Lake to Climatic Variations

John Melack, Caroline Vignardi, and Robert Jellison
University of California, Santa Barbara, California

Changes in Weekly Water Temperature Trends Over Time and Across 4 Geographic Regions

Casey Schoenebeck1, Tim Martin2, and Will French2
1Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Alexandria, Minnesota; 2Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; St Paul, Minnesota

Dramatic Effect of a Climate Change Captured by Monitoring Data in Connecticut Lakes During 2023

George Knoecklein and Kendra Kilson
Northeast Aquatic Research, Mansfield Center, Connecticut

Changing Snowpack and Spring Climate Drive Summer Ecology in Mountain Lakes

Ceara J. Talbot1, William D. Baccus2, Steven C. Fradkin2, Rebecca Lofgren3, Ashley Rawhouser4, and Stephanie E. Hampton1
1Carnegie Institution for Science, Pasadena, California; 2Olympic National Park, National Park Service, Port Angeles, Washington; 3Mount Rainier National Park, National Park Service, Ashford, Washington; 4North Cascades National Park Complex, National Park Service, Sedro-Woolley, Washington

Burning Questions: Exploring the Impacts of Fire and Drought on Methane Dynamics in Freshwater Reservoirs

Ruth Thirkill, Corrin Clemons, Holly J. Oldroyd, and Alexander L. Forrest
University of California Davis and University of California Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center, Davis, California

Friday, November 8

Concurrent Session F

8:00 am – 10:00 am

Session F1: Tahoe Environmental Observatory Network (TEON)

Tahoe Environmental Observatory Network: An Investment Whose Time Has Come

Patricia Manley1, Scott Allen2, Gina Tarbill1, Sudeep Chandra2, Adrian Harpold2, and Joanna Blaszczak2
1US Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, Placerville, California; 2University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada

Keeping Tahoe Blue… and Green: Monitoring the Tahoe Basin to Track Environmental Change and Meet Desired Conditions

Gina Tarbill1, Patricia Manley1, Sudeep Chandra2, Shale Hunter1, and Liraz Bistritz1
1USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, Placerville, California; 2University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe, Reno, Nevada

The Tahoe Environmental Observatory Network: Monitoring Climate and Terrestrial Ecosystem Health in Sentinel Watersheds

Scott T. Allen1, Emily Burt1, Abigail Sandquist1, Joanna Blaszczak1, Patricia Manley2, Gina Tarbill2, Adrian Harpold1, and Sudeep Chandra1
1University of Nevada Reno, Reno Nevada; 2US Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, Placerville, California

Session F2: Complex Phosphorus Cycling

Sediment Phosphorus Release in a Shallow Eutrophic Reservoir Cove

James McCarty
Beaver Water District, Lowell, Arkansas

Phosphorus Cycling in Wetlands, Aquatic Plants, and Algae

Byran Fuhrmann1, Carey Barkley2, Jason Scott2, and Chase Kilgore2
1EutroPHIX, Whitakers, North Carolina; 2SePRO Corporation, Whitakers, North Carolina

Understanding the Role of Recalcitrant Organic Phosphorus Mineralization on Phosphorus Dynamics to Control Algal Blooms in Freshwaters

Tasnuva Farnaz, Iffat Tasnim, and Francisco Cubas
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia

Quantifying Recalcitrant Organic Phosphorus Mineralization in Sediments to Assess Its Contribution to the Soluble Reactive Phosphorus Pool in Freshwaters

Iffat Tasnim, Tasnuva Farnaz, and Francisco Cubas
Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia

Where’s the Phosphorus Flux?

Marc Beutel
University of California, Merced, California

Wild Rice Wetlands as a Remediation Strategy for Aquaculture Wastewater

Nicholas Blandford1,2, Leah Dickenson1,2, Jay Toews2, Krista Robertson1, Richard Grosshans3, Bruce Hardy4, Nazim Cicek1, and Vince Palace5
1University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 2Toews Environmental Consulting & Aquatic Sciences, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 3International Institute for Sustainable Development, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 4Myera Group, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 5IISD – Experimental Lakes Area, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Session F3: Use of eDNA in Lake Management

From Detection to Action: Leveraging eRNA for Dynamic Lake and Reservoir Management

John Higley
EQO, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I’ve Seen Fire and I’ve Seen Rain: Impact of Scale on eDNA Biodiversity Insights

Rachel Meyer1 and Julie Stanford2
1UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California; 2eDNA Explorer, Mountain View, California

Using Environmental DNA Metabarcoding as a Tool to Understand How Zooplankton Communities Respond to Nutrient Loadings

Leah Dickenson1, Nicholas Blandford1, Krista Robertson1, Mark Hanson1, Daniel Heath2, Bruce Hardy3, and Vince Palace4
1University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 2University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada; 3Myera Group, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; 4IISD Experimental Lakes Area, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Paired Electrofishing and Environmental DNA Survey of American Eel Within the Upper Susquehanna Watershed, NY

Kari Minissale1, Dan Stich1, Aaron Henning2, and Luanne Steffy2
1State University of New York at Oneonta, New York; 2Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Tracking Zoonotic Mosquitos Using Inland Water eDNA

Genevieve D’Avignon1, Yannick Huot1, Irene Gregory-Eaves2, David Walsh3, and Antoinette Ludwig4
1Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada; 2McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada; 3Concordia University, Montréal, Québec, Canada; 4Agence de la santé publique du Canada, Laboratoire National de Microbiologie

Session F4: Fish

Baiting Hollow Fish Passage Conceptual Design

Luke Gervase
GEI Consultants, Huntington Station, New York

Alewife to Dreissenid Mussels, and the Corresponding Changes in Population Indices of Lake Trout in Otsego Lake NY 1992–2022

Nicholas Jordan and Daniel Stich
Biology Department, SUNY Oneonta, Oneonta, New York

Lake Response to a Long-Term, Innovative Carp Management Program

Matt Kocian1 and Przemek Bajer2
1Rice Creek Watershed District, Blaine, Minnesota; 2Carp Solutions LLC, New Brighton, Minnesota

Automation in Invasive Fish Exclusion and Removal

Cameron Swanson1, M. Vincent Hirt1, Przemek G. Bajer1,2
1Carp Solutions LLC, St. Paul, Minnesota; 2University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota

Mercury in Fish in California Lakes, 2015–2023

Jay Davis1, Michael Weaver1, Anna Holder2, Autumn Bonnema3, William Jakl3, and Wes Heim3
1San Francisco Estuary Institute, Richmond, California; 2California State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, California; 3Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, California

Session F5: Oxygenation Outside the Box

Coastal Dead Zones and Oxygen Deficits: Scaling Up Hypolimnetic Oxygenation Technology in Lakes to Seas

David Austin
Jacobs, St. Paul, Minnesota

Dick Speece to the Rescue – The Fate of Methane Production in Reservoirs

David Clidence
Eco Oxygen Technologies, LLC, Indianapolis, Indiana

Hydrology and Oxygen Addition Drive Nutrients, Metals, and Methylmercury Cycling in a Hypereutrophic Water Supply Reservoir

Naivy Dennise Rodal Morales and Marc Beutel
Environmental Systems Graduate Group, University of California Merced, California

Managing Water Quality in an Urban Lake: Evaluation of the Largest Nanobubble Technology Deployment in the U.S. at Lake Elsinore, CA

Denise Devotta and Christian Ference
Moleaer, Hawthorne, California

Engineering Improved Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Conditions to Support Migrating Salmon in the Lake Washington Ship Canal

Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz1 and David Austin2
1King County, Washington; 2Jacobs, Saint Paul, Minnesota

Session F6: Monitoring and Management

The Elkhart Lake Improvement Association 10-Year Plan of Action for Lake Improvement and Water Quality

Kevin Sofen and Sarah Majerus
Elkhart Lake Improvement Association, Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin

Participatory Approach to Lake Monitoring in Alberta, Canada

Brittany Onysyk
Alberta Lake Management Society, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

The Continued Use of Green Infrastructure in the Management of Both Deal Lake (NJ) and Its Watershed

Christopher Mikolajczyk1 and Don Brockel2
1Princeton Hydro LLC, Trenton, New Jersey; 2Deal Lake Commission, Oakhurst, New Jersey

How Centralized Data Management Ensures Data Quality and Defensibility for Nebraska

Everett Adams and Ronan O’Maitiu
Aquatic Informatics, Denver, Colorado

Patterns in Minnesota’s Lake User Perception, Eutrophication, and Lake Assessment Datasets – A 35 Year “Big Data” Retrospective

Allison Gamble1, Jesse Anderson2, and Lee Engel1
1Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, St. Paul, Minnesota; 2Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Duluth, Minnesota

HABs in Smith Mountain Lake: How the Smith Mountain Lake Association Is Preparing and Planning for the Future Through the Use of Standard and New Planning Techniques.

Chris Mikolajczyk1, Fred Lubnow1, and Keri Green2
1Princeton Hydro LLC, Trenton, New Jersey; 2Smith Mountain Lake Association, Moneta, Virginia

Session F7: Addressing Climate Change Through Lake Management

Sites Reservoir: Addressing Climate Change by Building Water Resiliency to a State’s Existing Water Infrastructure

John Spranza
HDR Engineering, Sacramento, California

A Lake Management Framework for Global Application: Monitoring, Restoring, and Protecting Lakes Through Community Engagement

Kellie Merrell1, Jacob A. Cianci-Gaskill2, Jennifer L. Klug3, Edward E. Millard4, Danielle J. Wain5, Lilith Kramer6, Dianneke van Wijk6, Ma Cristina A. Paule-Mercado7, Kerri Finlay8, Max R. Glines9, Elias M. Munthali10, Sven Teurlincx6, Lisa Borre11, and Norman D. Yan12
1Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Montpelier, Vermont; 2Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Huron, Ohio; 3Biology Department, Fairfield University, Fairfield, Connecticut; 4Environmental Applied Science and Management Department, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 57 Lakes Alliance, Belgrade Lakes, Maine; 6Department of Aquatic Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), Wageningen, The Netherlands; 7Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Hydrobiology, České Budějovice, Czech Republic; 8Biology Department, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada; 9Department of Biological Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York; 10Operations Department, Northern Region Water Board, Mzuzu, Malawi; 11Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York; 12Friends of the Muskoka Watershed, Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada

Interbasin Transfers and Lake Management Challenges in the Face of Changing Climate and Community Needs

Matt Ladewig, Stephanie Martin, and John Szczepanski
TRC, East Providence, Rhode Island

Climate Resilient Forest Restoration to Support Healthy Watersheds

Aaron Vanderpool1, Patricia Maloney1, Camille Jensen1, Shannon Lynch2, Mui Lay3, Susan Ustin3, and Sean Hogan4
1University of California – Davis, Tahoe Environmental Research Center, Incline Village, Nevada; 2University of California – Davis, Department of Plant Pathology, Davis, California; 3University of California – Davis, LAWR & Institute for the Environment, Davis, California; 4University of California – Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR), Davis, California

Development of a Watershed Plan to Improve Resiliency to Climate Change for Lake Auburn in Auburn, Maine

Zach Eichenwald1, Anne Malenfant1, Bernadette Kolb1, and Erica Kidd2
1CDM Smith, Boston, Massachusetts; 2Auburn Water District / Lewiston Water Division, Auburn, Maine

Coupling Remotely Sensed Algae, Littoral Vegetation, and Reservoir Operational Records: Critical Pieces to Understanding GHG Emissions in Lakes and Reservoirs

Carly Hansen1, Paul Matson1, Sajad Hamidi2, Rachel Pilla1, and Natalie Griffiths1
1Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee; 2Slipper Rock University, Slippery Rock Pennsylvania

Concurrent Session G

10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Session G1: Lake Tahoe Water Quality

Potential Contribution of Differential Cooling to Winter Mixing and Reoxygenation in Deep Oligotrophic Lakes

Julie Critchfield, Sergio Valbuena, Alicia Cortes, Alexander Forrest, and S. Geoffrey Schladow
Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California Davis, Tahoe Environmental Research Center University of California Davis, Davis, California

Microplastics in Lake Tahoe: Leveraging Scientific Evidence to Identify Priorities

Monica Arienzo1, Win Cowger2, Sudeep Chandra3, Madonna Dunbar4, Dan Segan5, Melissa Thaw6, Jen Mair7, Robert Larsen8, and Microplastics Stakeholder group
1Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada; 2Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research, Long Beach, California; 3University of Nevada Reno, Reno, Nevada; 4Incline Village General Improvement District and Tahoe Water Suppliers Association, Incline Village, Nevada; 5Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Stateline, Nevada; 6Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board, South Lake Tahoe, California; 7Zephyr Collaboration, Tahoe, California; 8Tahoe Science Advisory Council Program Officer, South Lake Tahoe, California

Suspended Particulate Matter Aggregation in Lake Tahoe

Kenneth Larrieu1, Yixuan Song2, Matthew Rau3, and Alexander L. Forrest1
1UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center, Davis, California; 2University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography, Kingston, Rhode Island; 3George Washington University Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Washington, District of Columbia

Tahoe Blue Beaches: Raising the Bar on Beach Management at Lake Tahoe Through Innovative Engineering, Education, and Enforcement Approaches

Laura Patten1, Jesse Patterson1, JT Chevalier2, and JB Harris2
1League to Save Lake Tahoe, South Lake Tahoe, California; 2ECO-CLEAN Solutions, South Lake Tahoe, California

Site Walk of the Burke Creek Rabe Meadow Riparian Restoration Project

Meghan Kelly
Nevada Tahoe Conservation District, Zephyr Cove, Nevada

How a Partnership Came Together to Tackle a Complex Regulatory Maze to Fight the Largest Aquatic Infestation in Lake Tahoe

Dennis Zabaglo1, Kat McIntyre1, Kim Caringer1, Emily Frey1, Jesse Patterson2, Laura Patton2, Pete Wolcott3, and Lars Anderson4
1Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Stateline, Nevada; 2League to Save Lake Tahoe, South Lake Tahoe, California; 3Tahoe Keys Property Owners Association, South Lake Tahoe, California; 4Waterweed Solutions, Point Reyes, California

Session G2: Stormwater

Metals, PAH and Phosphorus Concentrations in Sediments of 20 Urban Wet Detention Ponds

Michael Mallin, Lawrence Cahoon, Nick Picha, and Matthew McIver
University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina

Flow Equalization Basin Management to Support P Retention in Everglades Stormwater Treatment Areas (STAs)

Matt Powers1, Richard James1, Jim Myles2, and Ryan Goebel1
1South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, Florida; 2DB Environmental Laboratories, Inc., Rockledge, Florida

Construction and Performance of “Undersized” Flow-Through Stormwater Wetlands

Amanda Van Pelt, Vinicius J. Taguchi, and William F. Hunt III
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina

Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority’s Stormwater BMP Effectiveness Synthesis for Nutrient Reduction

Jane Clary
Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority, Denver, Colorado

A Stormwater Monitoring Program to Survey Contaminants Discharged to the Source Water Supplies of the City of Calgary.

Eric Camm and Norma Ruecker
City of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Session G3: Sediment Mangement

Active Reservoir Management to Mitigate Capacity Loss Due to Sedimentation

Wiliam Weiss1, Phoebe Aron1, and Hans Figuero2
1Hazen and Sawyer, Baltimore, Maryland; 2CSA Group, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Mountain Lake, San Francisco: A Triumph Over Adversity in Lake Management: Part 1 – Gladis the Poisoned Swan & the “Golden Gater”

Alex Horne1, Phoebe Parker-Shames2, and Lewis Stringer2
1Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California; 2Presidio Trust, San Francisco, California

Mountain Lake San Francisco: A Triumph Over Adversity in Lake Management: Part 2 – Classic Lake Management Meets New Management Methods

Phoebe Parker-Shames1, Lewis Stringer2, and Alex Horne2
1Presidio Trust, San Francisco, California; 2Ecological Engineering Group, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California

Assessing the Success of a Calcium Peroxide-Based Product and Its Effect on Sediment Reduction and Water Parameters in Multiple Small Waterbodies

Kate Waters-Hart
Oase GmbH, Hörstel, Germany

Session G4: Oxygenation Design & Considerations

Oxygenation; a Universal Solution to Water Quality Issues

Paul Gantzer
Gantzer Water, LLC, Madison, Wisconsin

Engineering Considerations for Oxygenation Deployment Lake and Reservoirs

David Clidence1, Gary Mochizuki2, and William K. Faisst3
1ECO2Tech, Indianapolis, Indiana; 2Haley & Aldrich, Walnut Creek, California; 3William K. Faisst Consulting Engineer, Inc., Walnut Creek, California

Assessment of Hypolimnetic Oxygen Demand and Sediment Nutrient Release Potential in Manasquan Reservoir, New Jersey

Marc Beutel1, Naivy Rodal-Morales1,2, Frank Browne3, Neeraj Batta4, and Heather Desko5
1University of California, Merced, California; 2Stillwater Sciences, Berkeley, California; 3FX Browne, Inc., a Division of Bogia Engineering, Inc., Lansdale, Pennsylvania; 4BATTA Environmental Associates, Inc., Newark, Delaware; 5New Jersey Water Supply Authority, Clinton, New Jersey

Evaluation and Conceptual Design of an Hypolimnetic Oxygenation System for the Manasquan Reservoir

Ali Behbahani1, Frank Browne1, Ken Wagner2, Neeraj Batta3, and Heather Desko4
1FX Browne, Inc. / Bogia Engineering, Inc., Lansdale, Pennsylvania; 2Water Resource Services, Wilbraham, Massachusetts; 3BATTA Environmental Associates, Inc., Newark, Delaware; 4New Jersey Water Supply Authority, Clinton, New Jersey

Using Unmanned Aerial Systems to Manage an Aquatic Invasive Plant in an Oklahoma Drinking Water Reservoir

Jamey D. Jacob1, Scott H. Stoodley2, and Andrew R. Dzialowski3
1Mechanical & Aero-Space Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma; 2Environmental Science Graduate Program, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma; 3Department of Integrative Biology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma

Session G5: Paleolimnology 1

Paleolimnological Assessment of Subfossil Chironomid Assemblage Changes Following Climate-Driven Stratification Changes in Previously Polymictic Lake Opinicon (Ontario, Canada)

Dylan Lansing, Emma Graves, Neal Michelutti, and John P. Smol
Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Long-Term Changes in Wolf Lake: A Paleolimnological Perspective for an Indigenous-Led Conservation Area

Julia Paton1, Emma Graves1,Neal Michelutti1, John Gunn2, Jane Kirk3, Andrew Paterson4, and John Smol1
1Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; 2Vale Living with Lakes Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada; 3Environment and Climate Change Canada, Burlington, Ontario, Canada; 4Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks, Dorset, Ontario, Canada

Assessing the Spatial Footprint of Silver Mining and Recent Climate Warming on Lakes Near Keno City, Yukon

Evan A. Jones1, Jamie A. Would1, Michael F.J. Pisaric2, Neal Michelutti1, and John P. Smol1
1Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; 2Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

Multi-century Environmental Change and Cyanobacterial Dynamics Inferred From Lake Sediments in Three Mile Lake, Ontario, Canada

Elizabeth Favot1, Kathleen Rühland1, Andrew Paterson2, William Dodsworth3, John Smol1, and Frances Pick3
1Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; 2Dorset Environmental Science Centre, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, Dorset, Ontario, Canada; 3University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Ecological Characterization of Diatoms in Florida Lakes for Bioassessment and Historical Applications

Isabelle G. Rytlewski1, Thomas J. Whitmore1, Francesca M. Lauterman2, and Melanie A. Riedinger-Whitmore1
1Department of Integrative Biology, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida; 2Black & Veatch, Tampa, Florida

Session G6: Recreation

Vermont’s Wakesports Rule: An Aquatic Invasive Species Risk Assessment for Lakes and Ponds With Defined Wakesports Zones

Lizzy Gallagher, Kimberly Jensen, and Olin Reed
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Montpelier, Vermont

Drought & Flood: Impacts to Lake Recreation Management

Ryan Reis and Brannon Gomes
Turlock Irrigation District / Don Pedro Recreation Agency, La Grange, California

Building Outdoor Recreation Monitoring Programs for Lake Systems: Results From the Lake Tahoe Sustainable Outdoor Recreation Project

Derek Kauneckis
Desert Research Institute (DRI), Reno, Nevada

Assessing Boat Activity Impacts and Evaluating No-Wake Zone Policies in Nearshore Environments.

Sergio A. Valbuena, S. Geoffrey Schladow, and Fabian A. Bombardelli
University of California, Davis, California

Protecting Water Quality, Ecology, and Recreation at Donner Lake, CA Through Collaboration and Monitoring

Kara Steeland1, Lisa Wallace2, and Michele Prestowitz2
1Truckee Meadows Water Authority, Reno, Nevada; 2Truckee River Watershed Council, Truckee, California

Session G7: Climate Change and Infrastructure

The Cost of Climate Change: How Weather Whiplash and Wildfire Affected Castaic Lake and the Downstream Drinking Water Treatment Plant

Kelly Lorenz
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, La Verne, California

Building Resilience to Climate Change in the Colorado River Basin

Season Martin1, Fay Hartman2, and Amelia Pruiett3
1Virga Labs, Tucson, Arizona; 2American Rivers, Denver, Colorado; 3Virga Labs, Portland, Oregon

Investigating Landscape-Level Drivers of Road Salt Pollution in the Lake Champlain Basin

Mikala L’Hote and Brendan Wiltse
Adirondack Watershed Institute, Paul Smith’s, New York

Nearshore Lake Environments As Sentinels of Lake Ecosystem Responses to Hydroclimatic Change

Joanna Blaszczak1, Kelly Loria1, Emily Burt1, Scott Allen1, Adrian Harpold1, Emily Carlson2, Sudeep Chandra2, and Patricia Manley3
1Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Science and the Global Water Center, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada; 2Biology Department and the Global Water Center, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada; 3Pacific Southwest Research Station, U.S. Forest Service, Placerville, California

Using Green Infrastructure to Create Amenities in Ultra-Urban Areas: Challenges and Upkeep

Vinicius J. Taguchi and William F. Hunt III
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina

Concurrent Session H

1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Session H1: Tahoe Keys Plant Management

Utilizing Innovative Technologies to Reduce the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species in Lake Tahoe

Jesse Patterson and Laura Patten
League to Save Lake Tahoe, South Lake Tahoe, California

Control Methods Test (CMT) at the Tahoe Keys Lagoons, South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA: Coordination and Implementation

Lars Anderson1, Rick Link2, Emily Fry3, Dennis Zabaglo3, Toni Pennington4, and Stephen Metzgen5
1WaterweedSolutions, Point Reyes, California; 2Sierra Ecosystems Associates, Placerville, California; 3Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, South Lake Tahoe, California; 4Environmental Science Associates, Bend, Oregon; 5Blankinship and Associates (a BOWMAN Company), Davis, California

Harnessing UV-C Energy for Effective Aquatic Invasive Plant Management

John J. Paoluccio
Inventive Resources Inc., Salida, California

An Evaluation of the Movement and Degradation of Herbicide Residues and Degradants in Tahoe Keys Lagoons and Lake Tallac Following the First Ever Permitted Use of Aquatic Herbicides in Lake Tahoe

Stephen Metzger1, Dennis Zabaglo2, and Emily Frey2
1Blankinship, a BOWMAN Company, Davis, California; 2Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Stateline, Nevada

Sequential Use of Multiple Methods to Control of Aquatic Weeds in the Tahoe Keys, South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA

Toni Pennington1 and Lars W.J. Anderson2
1Environmental Science Associates, Bend, Oregon; 2WaterweedSolutions, Point Reyes, California

The Benefits and Limitation of the Use of In Situ Rhodamine Dye Monitoring as a Surrogate for Herbicides: Control Method Test Case Study

James Lem1, Dennis Zabaglo2, and Emily Frey2
1Blankinship, a BOWMAN Company, Davis, California; 2Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Stateline, Nevada

Session H2: Aeration and Oxygenation Drinking Water

How Lake and Reservoir Water Quality Impacts Drinking Water Treatability and What Lake Managers Can Do About It

Byran Fuhrmann1 and Marc Beutel2
1EutroPHIX, Whitakers, North Carolina; 2UC Merced, Merced, California

Free Bubble Diffuser Technology for Hypolimnetic Oxygenation at Western Drinking Water Reservoirs

Mark Mobley, Miles Mobley, and Ken Kolesar
Mobley Engineering Inc., Norris, Tennessee

Algae Control Using an Air Diffuser With Other Treatment Options in a Grey Water Make-Up Reservoir

William (Bill) Garrett, Jeremy Driver, and Trellany Roberts
Alabama Power Company, Birmingham, Alabama

Upper San Leandro Reservoir Hypolimnetic Oxygen 23 Years Later

Mark Mobley1, Ken Kolesar1, Miles Mobley1, and Jacky Lau2
1Mobley Engineering Inc., Norris, Tennessee; 2East Bay Municipal Utility District, Oakland, California

Session H3: Clear Lake

Clear Lake Integrated Science Symposium: Summary of the Science, Research and Management of This Ancient, Hypereutrophic Lake

Angela De Palma-Dow1, Jeanine Pfeiffer2, and Abby Leutholdt3
1County of Lake Water Resources, Lakeport, California; 2Lakeport, California; 3Abby Leu Presents, Kelseyville, California

Watershed Modeling of Water-Quality and Flow in Tributaries to Clear Lake, California: Natural and Anthropogenic Influences on Nutrient and Sediment Transport

Joseph Domagalski, Charles Alpers, Dina Saleh, and Michelle Stern
US Geological Survey, Sacramento, California

Small- and Large-Scale Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity in Clear Lake, CA: Implications for Cyanobacterial Blooms, Microbial Community Composition, and Toxin Monitoring

David A. Caron1, Isha Kalra1, Brittany Stewart1, Eric A. Webb1, Gaurav S. Sukhatme1, Christropher Denniston1, Isabel M. Rayas1, Meredith D.A. Howard2, Adam Willingham3, Shawn Sneddon3, Stephanie A. Smith3, and Jayme Smith4
1University of Southern California Los Angeles, California; 2Central Valley Regional Water Control Board, Rancho Cordova, California; 3Xylem, Washington, District of Columbia; 4Southern California Coastal Water Research Project, Costa Mesa, California

Developing Invasive Species Management on Clear Lake and the Challenges Along the Way

Luis Santana
Robinson Rancheria Environmental Center, Nice, California

Session H4: HAB Drivers and Predictors

Predictive Modeling for Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms at Ohio Inland Lakes and Integration of Cyanobacteria Assessment Network (CyAN) Satellite Estimates

Jessica Cicale1, Erin Stelzer1, Lauren Lynch1, and Keith Loftin2
1USGS Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Water Science Center, Columbus, Ohio; 2USGS, Kansas Water Science Center, Lawrence, Kansas

Assessment of Sediment Processes Affecting CHAB Prevalence in Stockton Waterfront – Microcystis Sediment Seed Stock Recruitment Assay

Christine Leah Abalo1, Marc Beutel1, and Ellen P. Preece2
1University of California Merced, Merced, California; 2California Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, California

Aphanizomenon Phenomenon: Wildfire Driven HAB Mitigation

Alex Bentz
Denver Water, Denver, Colorado

Evaluating the Effects of Herbicides on Aquatic Microbial Communities and Ecosystem Health in North American Lakes

Oluwaseun Olubodun, Matthew Saxton, Iyana Oliviel, Helena Hitch, and Jolie Pyles
Department of Biology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio

Predicting Taste and Odor in New England Drinking Water Reservoirs

Benjamin Burpee
GZA, Manchester, Connecticut

Long-Term Water Quality Patterns in a Western US Reservoir

Sarah Burnet and Frank Wilhelm
University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Session H5: Paleolimnology 2

Tracking Long-Term Ecological Responses to Climate-Driven Changes in Salinity Using Cladocera and Other Proxies in Athalassic Lakes From Central Yukon, Canada

Jamie A. Would1, Evan A. Jones1, Lauren Nesbitt2, Michael F. Pisaric2, Neal Michelutti1, and John P. Smol1
1Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; 2Department of Geography, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.

Tracking the Effects of Seabird-Driven Eutrophication on Long-Term Changes in Aquatic Foodwebs: A Paleolimnological Perspective

Zoe A. Kane, Matthew P. Duda, Brigitte Simmatis, and John P. Smol
Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Using Sedimentary Cladocerans to Track the Environmental History of Anthropogenic Stressors in Lakes Within the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek First Nations Reserve

Emma L. Graves1, Julia Paton1, Robert Paishegwon2, Neal Michelutti1, John Gunn3, Jane Kirk4, Andrew M. Paterson5, and John P. Smol1
1Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; 2Lands Group, Atikameksheng Anishinabek First Nations, Naughton, Ontario, Canada; 3Vale Living with Lakes Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada; 4Environment and Climate Change Canada, Burlington, Ontario, Canada; 5Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks, Dorset, Ontario, Canada

Historical Alkalization of Dilute Florida Lakes and the Influence of Four Potential Drivers

Thomas J. Whitmore, Melanie A. Riedinger-Whitmore, Isabelle G. Rytlewski, and Cody M. Letts
University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida

Tracking Long-Term Changes in Deepwater Oxygen Levels in Ontario Lake Trout Lakes: A Paleolimnological Perspective

Sarah Waldron1, Andrew M. Paterson2, Roberto Quinlan3, and John P. Smol1
1Paleoecological and Environmental Assessment and Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada; 2Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Branch, Ontario Ministry of the Environmental, Conservation and Parks, Dorset, Ontario, Canada; 3Department of Biology, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada