Clean Lakes Program Coordinator (Aquatic Invasive Species Program Coordinator)

  • Full Time
  • Concord, New Hampshire
  • $31.33 to $42.60 starting depending on experience, with additional salary pay steps beyond this with time on job USD / Year

Website New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services

State Agency

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services is seeking a freshwater biologist who would serve as the Clean Lakes Program Coordinator, with a major emphasis on coordinating the state’s aquatic invasive plant program.

The position includes (more detail provided in attached supplemental job description):

  • A field intensive element during the growing season (usually early May through October)
  • Laboratory work (occasionally throughout the year, mostly benchtop chemistry and herbarium sample prep, and prepping samples to send for DNA analysis)
  • Office work (winter months, doing map development/bid guidance/grant paperwork and tracking/program administration/outreach&education)
  • Supervising one full time biologist position, and two seasonal interns.

The ideal candidate is a natural resources scientist with experience in aquatic plant identification and mapping (hand held GPS units and proven experience in ArcPro platform); comfort with trailering and utilizing an array of vessel types (motorized and non-motorized) in various field conditions; understanding of aquatic plant management techniques; ability to coordinate all aspects of a grant program management; interest in working with legislative initiatives and related workgroups; skills with outreach and education to various groups; experience with surface water quality monitoring methods and parameters, and excellent attention to detail and organization skills.  Experience with dashboards and Survey 123 is a plus.

Here is the link to the find the posting (a PDF of the job description is also attached).

Go here:

On the right hand side of the page enter Clean Lake Program Coordinator into the Job Title, and/or enter 45625 into Job ID.  Application materials can also be found on this site.

Email with questions.