Help NALMS understand how you learn about cyanobacterial blooms on your favorite lake

How do you learn if and when cyanobacterial blooms occur in your favorite lake? NALMS and the ITRC want to know!

The NALMS Inland HABs Program is assisting the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) and its Harmful Cyanobacteria (HCB) Team gather information for a technical document they are developing.

The ITRC is working on a technical and guidance document as a comprehensive resource for prevention and management of HCBs. The goal of this work is to enhance cyanobacteria risk communication by improving the notification process to alert the public to HCBs present in lakes and reservoirs. The completed ITRC document will be available to the public in Spring 2021. NALMS will also share the results of this survey with its membership.

The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete. The survey deadline is February 29th, 2020.

Please (1) fill out the survey yourself and (2) share the survey with any other lake-minded people in your circles.



For any questions about the survey or the ITRC’s efforts on HCBs, get in touch with:

Joan Beskenis | MA Department of Environmental Protection |

Angela Shambaugh | VT Department of Environmental Conservation |