ILMS 2022 Lake Leader Scholarship Application Due
Attention Lake Leaders! A limited number of scholarships will be awarded to staff, board members and active volunteers in leadership of lake organizations and watershed groups to cover a portion […]
Attention Lake Leaders! A limited number of scholarships will be awarded to staff, board members and active volunteers in leadership of lake organizations and watershed groups to cover a portion […]
The California Lake Management Society wishes to support students studying in areas related to lake and reservoir limnology, ecology, or management and presents individual scholarships of up to $1250 annually. […]
Oregon Lakes Association's Scholarship and Outreach Fund (SOF) supports research and public outreach activities related to Oregon's lakes, reservoirs, ponds, and their watersheds. The Scholarship and Outreach Fund is made possible […]
In 2022, the Washington Lakes Protection Association will offer three student scholarships. The Nancy Weller Memorial Scholarship for a Ph.D. graduate student for $1,250. The Dave Lamb Memorial Scholarship for […]
Learn about Michigan’s inland lakes online from MSU Extension Registration for the award-winning Michigan State University Extension Introduction to Lakes Online course is now open! This introductory six-week online class […]