Secchi Dip-In 2019

Volunteers have been submitting information during the annual Dip-In snapshot since 1994. Please join them in this international effort to track changes in water quality! The Secchi Dip-In is part of Lakes Appreciation Month, where we celebrate our lakes throughout the month of July each year.

Volunteer Monitoring: Connecting Volunteer Data to the Water Quality Portal

NWQMC Webinar Series Presented by Barb Horn, Colorado Parks & Wildlife John Dawes, Chesapeake Commons Laura Shumway, Environmental Protection Agency The webinar is free; pre-registration is required. Please login 10 minutes early. The goal of most volunteer monitoring programs is to ensure that well-trained volunteers collect data of known quality and use data used for […]


Partnering to Mitigate Harmful Algal Blooms across the Midwest and Beyond

It’s summer – and that means for a lot of communities harmful algal blooms (HABs), or blue green algae, are top of mind. Tune in to this month’s The Current webinar as we hear from the Network’s Mitigating HABs team as they discuss their soon to be released white paper cataloging Extension and state-based algal […]


APMS 59th Annual Meeting

Arrangements are well underway for the Annual Meeting of the Aquatic Plant Management Society at the DoubleTree San Diego Mission Valley – July 14-17, 2019. The 59th Annual Meeting will be a joint gathering with the Western Chapter of the APMS. The Program Committee has assembled sessions pertinent to western aquatic plant and water management […]

Protecting Lakes: A Shoreline Stewardship Workshop

Erickson Center for the Arts Saw-Wa-Quato & Main St., Curtis, MI, United States

The purpose of this program is to teach inland lake property owners and local officials the benefits of maintaining shorelines in a natural state and to teach about tools and resources for property owners to plan and protect natural shorelines and for local governments to plan for and regulate natural shoreline techniques.

Early Detection of Algal Blooms in US Freshwater Systems: CyAN Mobile Application

Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (HABs), which can appear in water bodies across the country, are an indicator of poor water quality and can potentially cause serious environmental and human and aquatic health effects. Historically, monitoring these HABs has been labor intensive and limited due to cost, time, and logistical constraints. EPA developed the Cyanobacteria Assessment […]

Interactions in the Watershed

This unique conference is being organized by the New York State Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA), the Cortland-Onondaga Federation of Kettle Lake Associations (C-OFOKLA), and the Madison County Federation of Lake Associations (MCFOLA). The objective is to inform, education, and connect the lake associations and municipalities of the region. Topics will focus on interactions in […]


Secchi Day Science Fair on Beaver Lake

Prairie Creek Park 9300 North Park Road, Rogers, AR, United States

General Attendees The public is invited to attend the FREE 14th annual Secchi Day Science Fair on Beaver Lake from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 17, 2019, at Prairie Creek Park, five miles east of Rogers, Arkansas, on Hwy. 12. (The address is 9300 N Park Rd, Rogers, AR 72756.) The Science […]


FLMS 30th Annual Technical Symposium

FL, United States

Symposium Information Tuesday, August 27 Technical Workshops Wednesday - Friday, August 28-30 General Sessions (DACS Aquatics CEUS and Engineering PDHs available!) Call for Abstracts Deadlines: Short abstract & Bio - March 31, 2019 Full abstract - May 10, 2019

Dam Safety 2019

Loews Royal Pacific Resort Orlando, FL, United States

Join us at the Loews Royal Pacific Resort at Universal Orlando September 8-12, 2019 for Dam Safety 2019. ASDSO’s national conference is well known throughout the U.S. and internationally as a resource for practical information on the day-to-day activities of those working to keep dams safe. The primary focus of the conference is the effective […]