Wisconsin Waters 2020

  Resilience implies being able to maintain form and function despite disturbance. Your 2020 Convention is greatly impacted by the coronavirus and the associated public health protocols. We are not going to be able to meet in person. We are instead developing a method to follow the same agenda in an online format. Those who originally […]

Introducing Shoreline Living

This presentation will highlight a new resource that inland lake supporters can use to showcase natural shorelines. "Shoreline Living" is a new magazine (online only at the moment, though print copies are planned for the future) containing articles highlighting five families who live on natural shorelines. Beautiful photographs of each property accompany the articles, and […]


[CANCELLED] Iowa Water Conference

The Iowa Water Conference is IWC's largest outreach and collaboration effort with a dozen planning partners. The conference is designed to bring together multi-disciplinary organizations and institutions to discuss relevant water issues in Iowa. The inaugural event in 2006 combined several existing conferences with the purpose of coordinating research and management efforts. Today's conference draws […]

[CANCELLED] 32nd Annual Indiana Lakes Management Conference

Monroe County Convention Center Bloomington, IN, United States

It’s never too early to plan ahead! Join the Indiana Lakes Management Society for the 32nd Annual Indiana Lakes Management Conference April 9th and 10th, 2020, At the Monroe County Convention Center in Bloomington, Indiana. Details on registration and Agendas will be coming in the near future. If you are involved in water quality assessment, […]

Making Sense of Your HAB Data

Is the threat of harmful algal blooms keeping you up at night? Are you looking to upgrade or expand your HAB monitoring program? Join surface water application expert Eric Robinson for a succinct and practical mini-course on fluorometer technology and how to make the best use of the data you collect. Eric, who has many […]


Online 2020 Watershed and Stormwater Conference

The Online 2020 Watershed and Stormwater Conference will provide a forum for watershed and stormwater professionals throughout the nation to learn how to increase the resiliency of our communities in response to emerging and persistent threats to our water resources — from headwaters to coasts.

Webinar: Trophic interrogation of Michigan inland lake communities

Top to bottom trophic interrogation of Michigan inland lake communities using eDNA metabarcoding Characterization of freshwater aquatic animal and plant communities across trophic levels, particularly detection of low abundance species, including threatened and endangered and aquatic invasive species (AIS), is critical for informing management decisions. Water samples (N=953) from 22 inland lakes in Michigan were […]


Webinar: Rising Water Levels and Impacts on Inland Lakes

Recent news across the Great Lakes States has been about high water levels.  Water levels on each of the Great Lakes started 2020 higher than they started in 2019.  In addition, Lakes Michigan and Huron have reached monthly mean record high levels this year. While this has captured the attention of the media and all […]


Webinar: Impact of Freshwaster HABs on Recreational Beneficial Uses

The California Lake Management Society is hosting this free webinar focusing on freshwater harmful algal blooms (FHABs). FHABs impact water quality across California. Since 2016, the State Water Resources Control Board's FHABs Program has provided resources to assess the risk of FHABs to recreational beneficial uses. In September 2019, AB 834 formally established the FHABs […]


Webinar: Restoring Living Shorelands

In celebration of Earth Day 2020, and to help promote wise land stewardship in an effort to protect our valuable surface waters, the New England Chapter of the North American Lake Management Society is hosting this spring webinar to focus on things you can do to help restore and promote healthy shoreland habitat. This webinar […]
