Show Your Lakes Appreciation Challenge

Congratulations to our 2023 winners!

Ben Scofield, beating the heat on the lake
Jennifer Udema, hiking with pals in Colorado
Katelyn King, paddling on Van Auken Lake

In the month of July, NALMS invites you to participate in the social media Show Your Lakes Appreciation Challenge! The goal of the challenge is to promote and encourage support for Lakes Appreciation Month, as well as to highlight the importance of lakes, reservoirs, and all freshwater resources, along with the issues they face.

Here’s how you can join in:

  1. Share a #lakeselfie or photos of your friends, family, colleagues, pets, etc. enjoying or working on a lake or reservoir! The contest officially runs July 1st-31st.
  2. Log onto Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram and upload your picture.
  3. Add an informative, funny, or witty caption along with the name of the lake.
  4. IMPORTANT: Be sure to use the hashtag #LakesAppreciation and tag NALMS in your post so we can find your entry. Only utilizing the #lakeselfie hashtag will not guarantee entry in the contest.

Why should you join in?

Winners will be determined via a raffle, picked randomly at the end of Lakes Appreciation Month, and announced via social media on Friday, August 2nd. Our three winners will be contacted to collect their prizes.

  • First Place (first raffle draw): $300 GIFT CARD to the outdoor retailer of your choice!
  • Second Place (second raffle draw): Your choice of any TWO ITEMS from our online store
  • Third Place (third raffle draw): Your choice of any ONE ITEM from our online store

With your permission…

  • NALMS may include your photo on our Lakes Appreciation Month webpages or other media.
  • NALMS will consider your photo for the Photo of the Month in our quarterly e-newsletter, NALMS Notes & Lake News.

Because You’re Awesome

  • And you are! Thank you for joining the “Show Your Lakes Appreciation Challenge” and for appreciating your lakes! All life needs water; let’s not take it for granted!

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