NALMS at 40: Advancing our Mission to Forge Partnerships
40th International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society
Virtual Symposium Dates: November 16–20, 2020
After careful consideration and in consultation with our partners and planning team, NALMS has decided we will not be able to hold our 2020 annual symposium in Minneapolis as planned. Instead we will hold a virtual symposium during those dates in keeping with the best interest of the health and well-being of our attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, and staff.
We are still in the planning stages of this new format, but we expect the program to include:
- Plenary sessions with live Q&A.
- Daily technical presentations with live Q&A.
- “On your own sessions,” view recorded presentations on your timetable and ask the authors questions.
- Poster Session with “lightning” presentations.
- Talks and posters will be available to attendees on demand during the conference week, no need to miss any talks of interest due to overlapping times.
- Daily meet & greet opportunities and a virtual hospitality room.
- Virtual Clean Lakes Classic 5K Run/Walk.
Stay tuned for more detailed information on the program, registration, awards, NALMS Membership Meeting, and more!
Prospective Program
Presentations will be organized into themed tracks and sessions. We encourage oral and poster presentations on any aspect of lake and reservoir management, but especially invite valuable insights on the following:
Lake management spanning 40 years
Shallow lakes
Invasive species
Carp management
Wild rice
Harmful algal blooms
Remote sensing
Climate change
Public engagement in planning
Urban lakes/stormwater
Waterfowl management
Integrated ecological management
Fisheries management
National Lakes Assessment
Aquatic plant management
In-lake nutrient control
Linkage between lakes and watersheds
Deicing salt impacts and management
General Presentation Information
- We will prioritize oral presentations that describe completed or well-advanced studies with lab and/or field data. We encourage presentations that also project future challenges and advances in lake management. However, we discourage presentations that solely describe future projects, or which do not include data. We will make special arrangements for exhibitor presentations and/or that consist primarily of vendor information.
- NALMS does not endorse specific products or services. Thus, any poster or presentation must include disclosure(s) of any and all relevant relationship(s) with: i) any and all corporations or ii) commercial product(s), iii) method(s), and iv) trade or brand name(s). The submitted abstract of an oral or poster presentation that includes such disclosure(s) shall also include the following wording: “The author(s) of this abstract has/have a financial interest in the (insert i through iv, as applicable) described.”
- All oral presentations will be pre-recorded. Details on format and deadlines for video submission will be announced soon.
- Oral presentations will be allotted 20 minutes, including time for questions.
- We encourage abstract submissions for poster sessions. All posters will be displayed throughout the symposium in landscape format. Display areas will accommodate posters up to 4’ × 8’ (1.2 m × 2.4 m).
- Students making oral or poster presentations as primary authors will be considered for student awards.
- All presenters of accepted abstracts must register for the symposium. NALMS does not waive registration fees for presenters.
General Abstract Information
- Abstracts are due by September 18, 2020 (deadline extended from July 31, 2020). Abstracts received after the deadline may be rejected or reassigned from oral to poster presentations.
- We accept abstracts only via the NALMS website ( Abstracts must include the following information, as specified.
- Title: Summarize accurately the subject of the presentation.
- Authors: Provide names and affiliations of all authors. NOTE: Indicate if the primary author is a student so the presentation may be considered for student awards.
- Text: State the purpose, significant findings, and main conclusions of the work. Avoid statements like “Results will be presented“ and “Implications will be discussed.” Provide a concise summary of results and implications. Abstracts must not exceed 250 words; those in excess of 250 words may be truncated. Abstracts selected for either oral or poster presentations will be available to conference attendees.
- Format: Indicate your presentation preference (oral, poster, either or both).
Submit Your Abstract