Certified Members
Our certified members are leaders in their fields who have reached the very pinnacle of professional development in lake management; their depth of knowledge is unparalleled. Learn more about the NALMS Professional Certification Program (PCP).
This listing of our active certified members – Certified Lake Managers (CLMs), Lake Management Associates (LMAs), and Lake Management Trainees (LMTs) – is sorted alphabetically by state or province.
Click the state or province you’d like to search below:
Alberta | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Florida | Illinois | Indiana | Kentucky | Maine | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Montana | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New York | North Carolina | Nova Scotia | Ohio | Ontario | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | Texas | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin
Alan Sosiak, CLM al.sosiak@telus.net |
Rick Amalfi, CLM Aquatic Consulting & Testing, Inc. ramalfi@aquaticconsulting.com |
Scott Bryan, CLM Central Arizona Project sbryan@cap-az.com ![]() |
Scott is the Biology and Water Quality Administrator for Central Arizona Project (CAP), the water conveyance system that delivers Colorado River water to over 5 million residents in Central and Southern Arizona. He holds a B.S. degree in Environmental Biology from Eastern Illinois University and an M.S. degree in Fisheries Management from South Dakota State University. He started his career as a research biologist for the Arizona Game and Fish Department, primarily focusing on fisheries and aquatic systems. After nearly 10 years with Game and Fish, Scott moved into the private sector and served as the Vice-President of Operations for Aquatic Consultants, Inc. in Albuquerque, NM. In that role, he was involved in nearly every aspect of the business, including the design, construction, and management of recreational and private lakes and streams. In his current position with CAP, Scott develops and executes targeted research for a variety of aquatic and terrestrial issues that impact the CAP system, and he administers the water quality program for the organization. |
Douglas Crowl, CLM Aquatic Consulting & Testing, Inc. dougcrowl24@gmail.com ![]() |
Doug Crowl received his B.A in Environmental science/Biology from Mansfield University of Pennsylvania in 1995. Doug has since then been working at Aquatic Consulting and Testing in Tempe, Arizona. He has over 20 years of experience with algae identification, mosquito identification, weed, and algae treatments, clam/snail treatments and golden algae monitoring/identification. Doug has been a NALMS member since 2018. He currently is a qualifying party for aquatics in Arizona and he also holds grade 4 certifications in drinking water treatment and distribution. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends rooting for his Arizona teams. |
Marson Nance, CLM Northwest Arkansas Land Trust marson321@gmail.com ![]() |
Marson Nance is Director of Land Protection and Stewardship for Northwest Arkansas Land Trust. Marson works to permanently conserve critical lands with focus on the Illinois River and Beaver Lake watersheds for ecological and source water protection. Marson has worked as Senior Environmental Specialist and Lake Manager for Orange County, Florida and as an environmental biologist on projects for governments and private-sector clients throughout the Southeast and Desert Southwest. Marson has 10 years of experience in environmental compliance, threatened and endangered species protection, and management of terrestrial and aquatic habitats. |
Benjamin Chen, CLM Clean Lakes, Inc bchen@cleanlake.com ![]() |
Benjamin Chen, CLM, has over a decade of providing professional aquatic services. Spurred by a passion for the outdoors and fishing in his home state of Wisconsin, Ben completed his B.S. in Fisheries Management from the University of Minnesota. Afterwards, Ben worked in the fish culture industry in Australia and Alaska and developed skills in maintaining water quality and keeping fish happy. Since then, he has settled in California and began his Lake Management career in Southern California before moving to the San Francisco Bay Area where he currently practices and resides. Today, Ben works for Clean Lakes Inc, a lake and reservoir management company which services large lakes and reservoirs on the west coast. He is also a licensed commercial drone operator and unmanned spray pilot.
Through his career, he has provided private and public entities a myriad of various professional aquatic services, including: nutrient management, algae control, midge & mosquito control, lake biology, fisheries management, integrated pest management, bathymetry & sediment analysis, water quality monitoring and aquatic pesticide applications. |
Angela De Palma-Dow, CLM County of Lake Water Resources – Lakeport, CA Angela.DePalma-Dow@lakecountyca.gov ![]() |
Angela is a Program Coordinator in the County of Lake Water Resources Department where she coordinates and manages various programs such as aquatic plant management, quagga/zebra mussel prevention, MS4 /TMDL/ stormwater, surface-water quality monitoring, cyanobacteria outreach, water resources data management, and post-fire water quality monitoring. Angela has a BS in Biological Science and Chemistry minor from California State University, Sacramento, and an MS in Fisheries and Wildlife with a Limnology emphasis from Michigan State University. Angela has conducted aquatic surveys and monitoring in over six states and has worked with and for multiple universities, federal, state, and city agencies, tribes and non-profits. Angela is passionate about science communication and providing water science outreach and education to policymakers and the public. Angela has swum from Alcatraz Island twice and has two cats. |
Tyler Fowler, CLM Aqua Terra weareaquaterra@gmail.com ![]() |
Tyler works with Aqua Terra, LLC. an all-inclusive aquatic management company located in the San Francisco Bay Area. Tyler earned an undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies at San Francisco State University in 2005 with a minor in Geography. Tyler entered the field of Lake Management in 2007 and has been managing lake, reservoir and lagoon systems for over fifteen years. Tyler specializes in developing and implementing lake, lagoon, reservoir, and canal management programs as well as providing regulatory compliance and permitting for various private clients and municipalities throughout the Western United States. Tyler is also a licensed applicator in California, Nevada and Oregon. |
Eli Kersh, CLM LakeTech, Inc. Eli@LakeTech.com ![]() |
Eli spent many years working in and traveling to remote wilderness areas as a fishing or kayaking guide. Through these and other experiences he developed knowledge and skills that led him to seek an academic path geared towards the Outdoors. He received his undergraduate degree from UC Santa Barbara in 2007 where he majored in Geography. After several years working as an independent GIS analyst for Fire & Police Departments, Indian Tribes, and other agencies, he returned to school in 2011 to obtain a masters degree in Geography with an emphasis in Lake Management. Combing his education, skills, and experiences, he is now the Environmental Service Manager at a professional lake management company in the San Francisco Bay Area and works as a private consultant providing training and education to private and government groups throughout California. |
Stephen McCord, CLM McCord Environmental, Inc. sam@mccenv.com / 530-220-3165 ![]() |
Stephen McCord, Ph.D., P.E., is President of McCord Environmental, Inc. He holds a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Clemson University, and an M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Civil & Environmental Engineering from the University of California Davis. As a registered Professional Engineer in the State of California, Dr. McCord has over 20 years of consulting, research and teaching experience in the environmental engineering field with projects throughout California, several other US states, and internationally. He has managed water quality field studies and improvement projects in rivers, lakes, wetlands, deltas, and bays throughout California. He is past President of the California Lake Management Society and works on lakes to address mercury bioaccumulation, eutrophication and drinking water quality concerns. |
Terry McNabb, CLM AquaTechnex tmcnabb ![]() |
Terry McNabb is a graduate of Michigan State University with a degree in Water Resource Management and operates Aquatechnex, LLC. Aquatechnex LLC is a full service lake and aquatic plant management firm that operates from offices in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. The firm has a recognized expertise in the restoration of lake and river systems impacted by invasive aquatic weeds and management of Harmful Algae Blooms. Terry has been involved in lake management for over 40 years. He is a past president of the Aquatic Plant Management Society, the North American Lake Management Society and the Western Aquatic Plant Management Society. He is a recipient of the US Asia Environmental Partnership grant to work with lake restoration activities in Malaysia and Indonesia. He is a cooperator with the US Army Corps of Engineers Aquatic Plant Control Research Program and an instructor for the University of California-Davis Aquatic Weed School. |
Ellen P. Preece, Ph.D., CLM Robertson-Bryan, Inc. ellen@robertson-bryan.com ![]() |
Ellen Preece is a senior limnologist at Robertson-Bryan, Inc. in Rancho Cordova, California. Dr. Preece received her B.S. from the University of New Hampshire in environmental resource economics. After several years working for the U.S. Forest Service and U.S. Geological Survey as a water quality technician she returned to Washington State University where she earned her M.S. and Ph.D. in environmental and natural resource sciences (limnology). Dr. Preece has over 15 years of consulting and research experience addressing water quality issues in California and beyond. Much of her work has focused on working with stakeholders including federal and state agencies, tribes, non-profits and universities to develop and implement mitigation and management plans to prevent the formation of cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms. Through this work she has also actively developed occupational risk assessments for people that have to work in and around waters that contain cyanotoxins. Dr. Preece has been a member of NALMS since 2008 and served as the region 9 director for NALMS from 2016 to 2019. |
Patrick Simmsgeiger, CLM Diversified Waterscapes pat@dwiwater.com |
Kelly DiNatale, CLM DiNatale Water Consultants kelly@dinatalewater.com |
Kareem Hannoun, LMA Water Quality Solutions khannoun@wqsinc.com |
Steve Lundt, CLM Metro Wastewater Reclamation District slundt@mwrd.dst.co.us ![]() |
Steve Lundt’s love for the outdoors and applied science led him to a B.S. degree from Pacific University (Forest Grove, Oregon) and an M.S. degree in Environmental Science from Indiana University. After acquiring the two-year degree in 1999 and becoming a member of NALMS, Steve traveled back to Oregon and worked on Oswego Lake for three years. While working for the Lake Oswego Corporation, Steve became a Certified Lake Manager and learned how to work for a board of directors. Then in 2002, Steve moved to Denver, Colorado to be a Water Quality Scientist for Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. For the past 15 years, Steve has been a member of CLRMA, chaired the NALMS Lakes Appreciation Month Committee, and has looked after Barr Lake. |
Christopher Mikolajczyk, CLM Princeton Hydro cmiko@princetonhydro.com ![]() |
Christopher Mikolajczyk, CLM, is a senior project manager of aquatics and certified lake manager for Princeton Hydro and conducts the management, oversight, and coordination of aquatic ecology and water resource projects in three main areas: aquatic resource restoration and management, aquatic ecosystem sampling and investigations, and stormwater quality modeling and management. |
Trea Nance, CLM City of Westminster tnance@cityofwestminster.us ![]() |
Trea received her B.S. in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation from the University of Nevada, Reno (2012), where she studied benthic invertebrates in Lake Tahoe. She received her M.S. in Natural Resources (emphasis: Limnology), from the University of Idaho (2015). Her Master’s Thesis research involved calculating a phosphorus and sediment mass balance for Fernan Lake, a small lake suffering from frequent harmful algal blooms. Throughout her graduate research, she had the opportunity to work closely with landowners, educating them about limnology and gaining insights into the history of Fernan Lake. This led to a passion for public education and presenting data to the public. She is active in the NALMS affiliate, CLRMA (Colorado Lake and Reservoir Management Association), where she serves as Treasurer. |
Suresh Niraula, CLM City of Arvada, CO sniraula@arvada.org Connect with Suresh on LinkedIn ![]() |
Suresh Niraula, Ph.D., CLM is a Water Quality Scientist for the City of Arvada, Colorado. He is also the 2024 president of Colorado Lakes and Reservoir Management Association (CLRMA, NALMS Affiliate Member). Suresh grew up in the foothills of Nepal and came to the U.S. in 2006. He received his Ph.D. in Environmental and Conservation Science from North Dakota State University in 2018, where he researched greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural fertilizer applications. Prior to joining the City of Arvada, Suresh worked for a park district in Minnesota, and several watershed groups and entities where he monitored water quality and performed lake management activities. Suresh and his family enjoy playing outdoors and visiting new places – mostly places where there are lakes and mountains. |
Erin Stewart, CLM Leonard Rice Consulting Water Engineers erin.stewart@lrewater.com |
William Henley, CLM Henley.williame@gmail.com |
Shane Hoyt, LMA GZA shane.hoyt@gza.com |
Hillary Kenyon, CLM hillary.kenyon@gmail.com ![]() |
Hillary holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from UCONN and a Master of Science degree in Plant and Soil Sciences from UMASS. Her work as a Certified Lake Manager and limnological consultant has allowed her the opportunity to work on lakes across New England and New York. She is committed to interdisciplinary research to better manage widespread lake and reservoir problems related to aquatic invasive species, internal nutrient loading, onsite wastewater treatment, and stormwater. |
Kendra Kilson, LMA Northeast Aquatic Research kendra.near@gmail.com ![]() |
Kendra grew up on Lake Lillinonah, the second largest lake in Connecticut. In 2014, she began volunteering with Friends of the Lake, an organization that strives to protect the lake from eutrophication and aquatic invasive species. It was this experience that fueled her passion for further understanding water quality and preserving lakes and ponds. She received her M.S. in Lake Management from the State University of New York College at Oneonta in 2019. Kendra is currently a research scientist with Northeast Aquatic Research, LLC and is experienced in water quality monitoring and aquatic plant surveying in New England and New York. |
Christopher Mayne, CLM GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Christopher.Mayne@gza.com ![]() |
Chris has over 20 years experience working on lakes, ponds, and reservoirs. He has worked on various lakes and reservoirs across the country. He has performed water quality assessments to aid in the protection of source water and to develop restoration strategies for both recreational lakes and drinking water reservoirs. His work has included in-situ profiling, water chemistry analysis, zooplankton community analysis, algal community analysis, macrophyte identification and mapping, fish community assessments, and GIS evaluations of surrounding watersheds. He also has assisted lake and reservoir managers address issues associated with algal blooms and invasive aquatic plants. Chris owned and operated a pond management company for nine years.
Currently, Chris is working with GZA GeoEnvironmental as a Project Manager working in both the Ecology Division providing lake and watershed management assistance and in the EHS Compliance Division where he works with industrial, utility, institutional, municipal, and construction sectors with their compliance needs including stormwater and wastewater discharges. Chris has been a Certified Lake Manager since 2003 and is a NALMS member. He has also been a long standing board member of the Connecticut Federation of Lakes. |
Benjamin Rach, LMA GZA GeoEnvironmental Benjamin.Rach@gza.com ![]() |
Ben grew up on Pelican Lake, an approximately 8,200-acre lake located in Breezy Point Minnesota. Ben graduated with an Environmental Earth Science degree from Eastern Connecticut State University. He has over 17 years’ experience working in the environmental field with several years on experience performing water quality assessments to aid in the protection of source water and to develop restoration strategies for both recreational lakes and drinking water reservoirs. Ben has experience with in-situ profiling, water chemistry analysis, zooplankton community analysis, algal community analysis, invasive aquatic plant identification and installation of in-reservoir management systems.
Ben is working with GZA GeoEnvironmental as a Project Manager within the Ecology Division providing lake and watershed management assistance. Ben is a NALMS member, a CT AWWA member and is an active board member of the Connecticut Federation of Lakes. |
J. Neil Stalter Candlewood Lake Authority neil@candlewoodlakeauthority.org |
Michael Chimney, CLM South Florida Water Management District mchimney@sfwmd.gov |
Jason Danaher, CLM Lake County Water Authority jdanaher@lcwa.org ![]() |
Jason is originally from upstate New York and received his bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York at Cobleskill. He earned a master’s degree from Kentucky State University in Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences and later worked for five-years at the University of the Virgin Islands’ Agriculture Experiment Station on St. Croix. In 2013, Jason earned his Ph.D. in Fisheries and Aquaculture from Auburn University. He worked at Pentair Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc. for five-years and in 2018 pursued an opportunity with the Lake County Water Authority in Tavares, FL as the Water Resources Manager where he oversees the operation of their Nutrient Reduction Facility. |
Marissa Drake, LMT Orange County Environmental Protection Division Marissa.Drake@ocfl.net |
Amy Giannotti, CLM AquaSTEM Consulting, LLC amyg1213@gmail.com ![]() |
Amy L. Giannotti is the owner of AquaSTEM Consulting, LLC. Amy holds a B.S. in biology from Marietta College (OH) and earned her M.S. in environmental science at the University of Virginia. Her current work examines the survival and spread of invasive plant species in freshwater habitats, and specifically considers the effect of urbanization on native plant restoration efforts and water quality. In addition, Amy serves as editor of the journal Aquatics, the official publication of the Florida Aquatic Plant Management Society, and she serves on the Board of Directors for this organization. Amy is also an advisor to the University of Florida’s Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants and has designed curriculum programs for elementary, middle, and high school students highlighting the impacts that exotic plants have on our waterways. Amy was recently named the Director of Development for Schoolyard Films, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that produces high-end environmental documentaries for K-12 students to foster environmental stewardship and promote awareness of our natural resources. These natural history programs are available for FREE and come complete with study guides and supplemental materials aligned to state and national science standards. Amy also serves as past-president of the Cambrian Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Orlando (FL) that specializes in technical and scientific diving. During her career with the Cambrian Foundation and in conjunction with the Foundation’s research expeditions in Florida, Mexico, and Bermuda, she has initiated many educational and outreach programs, including a variety of projects related to the preservation of cave, karst, and groundwater systems in these regions. |
Patrick Goodwin, CLM Vertex Aquatic Solutions patrick.goodwin@vertexaquaticsolutions.com ![]() |
Patrick Goodwin, CLM, has training and experience in all aspects of water resource management and has completed multiple comprehensive water management plans ranging from 8 to 13,000-acre water bodies. Patrick specializes in using the Lake Loading Response Model (LLRM) and field data collection to evaluate nutrient loading and the consequences of that loading in terms of algal blooms and water clarity. Patrick also has unique industry insight into applied restoration techniques and has conducted numerous experiments evaluating restoration techniques for clients. He has successfully restored multiple water bodies and is considered an expert in oxygenation and circulation techniques. Patrick is a certified lake manager and is the current Region 4 director for the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS). He also serves on the board for the Florida Lake Management Society (FLMS).
Patrick created Good Aquatics in 2021 after spending the prior decade working in the water quality management industry. Good Aquatics was created with a core belief to provide well-engineered water quality solutions that are backed by science; something that has been lost in the shuffle as the water quality management industry has become more commercialized. Good Aquatics aims to provide technically effective water quality solutions at the lowest possible cost. This is done by collecting the right data (brings direct management utility) to make a management decision. Good Aquatics welcomes scientific evaluation and is transparent with case studies and industry know-how such that water resource managers can make the most informed and best decisions for lake stakeholders. Good Aquatics stands behind its workmanship and technical support. |
Mark V. Hoyer, CLM University of Florida mvhoyer@ufl.edu / 352 215-0338 ![]() |
Historically (> 35 years), Mark Hoyer’s primary interests lay in defining the relations among nutrients and the ecology of Florida streams, lakes and estuaries. These research interests include algal abundances, aquatic plant, fish and aquatic bird communities. For the same time frame, Mark has worked with Citizen Scientists (Florida LAKEWATCH) both educating them on the functioning of aquatic systems and using them in the collection of data for his research interests. Mark’s current focus is on examining long-term trends in water chemistry of aquatic systems and determining if any significant trends are related to anthropogenic impacts (e.g., land use changes) or long-term climatic cycles related to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation in temperature. |
Derek Johnson, CLM Phoslock Environmental Technologies djohnson@phoslock.com.au ![]() |
Derek Johnson, CLM, is currently the Lead Applications Manager at Phoslock Environmental Technologies Europe. He holds a B.S. degree in Fisheries Management from Paul Smith’s College in upstate New York, and the first to hold an M.S. degree in Lake Management from SUNY Oneonta, in Oneonta, New York. Derek has expertise in managing lakes and reservoirs of all sizes in North America and Europe, managing stakeholder needs and expectations, developing lake monitoring plans, and working closely with local/state government agencies. |
Dawn Ritter, CLM Highlands County Board of County Commissioners dritter@highlandsfl.gov ![]() |
As a Florida native who loves and appreciates outdoor environments, I chose a career engulfed in protecting and conserving Florida’s natural resources. I obtained my Bachelor of Science in Biology at the University of Florida and continued my education there acquiring my Master of Science in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. I have worked within academic institutions, the private sector, and local governments. This has allowed me to possess a strong background in diagnostic limnology and scientific knowledge of Florida’s freshwater systems. My passion includes, protecting and improving our natural resources, and educating the community on the preservation of Florida’s resources. I have encountered Florida’s vast range of aquatic systems from the Florida springs, rivers, and lakes studying their different trophic states and environments. I have been fortunate to conduct research and projects in both the freshwater and saltwater habitats focusing on fish population and monitoring, water quality, macrophytes, and phytoplankton analysis. I have also participated in surveying and mapping the sea floor, coral reef restoration, and research on environmental impacts such as underwater oil pipelines. Currently, I am the Natural Resources Manager for Highlands County. We assess and manage the many lakes, rivers, and conservation areas within the heart of Florida. We are involved in implementing specialized water resource management techniques such as addressing the total maximum daily loads, waterbody impairments, and storm run-off. We work closely with other government agencies to cooperatively obtain watershed projects and best management practices throughout the area for the benefit and improvement of quality of life to our residents. |
Peter Berrini, CLP Berrini & Associates, LLC pberrini@comcast.net / 217-899-2153 ![]() |
Peter is a Professional Geologist and Certified Lake Professional with significant project experience in all aspects of lake and reservoir restoration and has specialized in planning, designing, permitting and implementing lake dredging projects throughout the United States for more than 30 years. He has been integrally involved with the completion of numerous dredging and sediment dewatering projects ranging in size from 300 cubic yards to 3,000,000 cubic yards and is a strong proponent of beneficial sediment reuse. In addition, he has managed numerous Clean Lakes Program Diagnostic-Feasibility Studies and Phase 2 Implementation Projects throughout his career that has included reservoir sedimentation surveys, shoreline protection designs, watershed plans, lake aeration and water quality enhancement alternatives. |
Ashlee Haviland, CLM Clarke Aquatic Services ahaviland@clarke.com ![]() |
Ashlee Haviland, CLM, has a Bachelor of Science from Manchester College and a Master of Environmental Science from Taylor University. She spent 10 years working for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, starting with the Lake and River Enhancement program in 2007. Her work has included using hydroacoustics to create bathymetry, vegetation, bottom classification, and fish surveys. Ashlee has experience with GIS, hydrology, riparian and aquatic species, natural communities, and ecosystem processes. She has authored several reports in watershed evaluation and planning, providing solutions and recommendations to improve water quality and lake management opportunities. She has spent multiple years of leading and managing complex lake and watershed projects in the Midwest. |
Quentin Jordan, LMA Engineering Technician III City Water, Light and Power Quentin.Jordan@cwlp.com ![]() |
Quentin Jordan is an Engineering Technician III with City Water, Light and Power, a Lake Management Associate through NALMS, and the lake manager for Lake Springfield in Springfield, Illinois. He has a Bachelors of Science in Biological Sciences from Eastern Illinois University, and a Graduate Certificated in Geographic Information Systems from the University of Illinois. Currently, he is a graduate student at the University Of Illinois Springfield (UIS) building an algal library for the lake, and will conduct his masters thesis on the lake. As the lake manager for Lake Springfield, he conducts routine management and sampling events on the lake throughout the year. Monitoring the lake and providing sufficient scientific information to the filter plant, stakeholders, and other government entities. Creating and revising management plans to ensure proper chain-of-command responses to emergency events. |
Sandy Kubillus, CLM Sr. Environmental Consultant ILM skubillus@ilmenvironments.com |
Specializes in lake and pond management and consulting, especially water and sediment quality, bathymetric mapping, lake management plans, shoreline erosion control, wetland delineations and permitting. Active in the Illinois Lakes Management Association. Sr. Environmental Consultant with ILM since 1994. Adjunct instructor for Environmental Biology at the College of Lake County. |
Mark Heilman, CLM SePRO markh@sepro.com ![]() |
As Director of Aquatic Technology for SePRO (Carmel, Indiana), Dr. Mark Heilman leads the company’s research and development to bring forward new technologies for managing water resources. He has characterized diverse management technologies including biopesticide concepts for aquatic plant and invasive mussel control and multiple new USEPA-approved aquatic herbicides. He also directly assists many public and private natural resource managers in the US and internationally with design and implementation of challenging projects managing aquatic resources including invasive species management with an emphasis on exotic aquatic plants. Dr. Heilman received his B.S. in Biology (1992) and his Ph.D. in Aquatic Ecology from the University of Notre Dame (1998). He received the Aquatic Plant Management Society’s (APMS) Outstanding Research and Technical Contributor Award in 2013 and is an APMS Past President (2019-2020). He is an active member of the NALMS Clean Water Act Section 314 Working Group, and also currently serves on the Board of Directors of the North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA). |
Sara Peel, CLM Arion Consultants, Inc. speel@arionconsultants.com ![]() |
Sara Peel, CLM is an Environmental Consultant for Arion Consultants and previously served as Director of Watershed Projects for the Wabash River Enhancement Corporation, a nonprofit focused on improving ecological, economic, and social conditions within the Wabash River basin. Sara received her BS in Biology and Chemistry from Alma College and her MS in Environmental Science from Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Sara has over 16 years of water quality and watershed management experience. She currently serves as the President for the Indiana Lakes Management Society, is a board member of the Indiana Water Monitoring Council, and on the Purdue University School of Agriculture Dean’s Advisory Council. |
Benjamin Burpee, CLM Ecosystem Consulting Service, a division of GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. benjamin.burpee@gza.com |
Jennifer Jespersen, CLM Ecological Instincts jen@ecoinstincts.com |
Zachary Eichenwald, PE, CLM CDM Smith eichenwaldzt@cdmsmith.com ![]() |
Zach Eichenwald is a water resources engineer experienced in water quality assessments of lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and estuaries. He has applied his water quality expertise to evaluate water quality within surface water reservoirs and drinking water supplies and to evaluate the impact of wastewater treatment plant discharges on receiving water quality for projects throughout the country. Zach’s work includes diagnostic water quality studies of surface water supplies, building and applying hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality models of surface water systems, and NPDES permitting support. |
Wendy Gendron, CLM Aquatic Restoration Consulting, LLC wcgendron@gmail.com |
Christopher Miller, CLM Brewster Department of Natural Resources cmiller@brewster-ma.gov ![]() |
Chris has been the Director of the Brewster Natural Resources Department since 2007. He also manages the Conservation Department and the town’s open space properties. Brewster has over 80 named ponds and 32 Great Ponds, 27 of which the Department samples biannually. Chris has managed access projects, pond remediation, weed harvesting and planning for water quality improvements, as well as nutrient management for ground and surface water. He has a B.S. in Wildlife & Fisheries Biology from UMASS Amherst, a M.S. in Chemical Engineering/Hazardous Waste Management from Wayne State University, a graduate certificate in local government from Suffolk University, and a USCG 100-ton Master mariner certificate. |
Kenneth Wagner, CLM Water Resource Services LLC kjwagner@charter.net ![]() |
Dr. Wagner holds degrees from Dartmouth College and Cornell University, with his Ph.D. earned in Natural Resource Management in 1985. He has over 40 years of experience working on a variety of water resources assessment and management projects, including lake, reservoir, river, and watershed assessment, rehabilitation, and management, regulatory processes, and educational programs. In 2010 he started Water Resource Services, a small company with a focus on water supply protection and lake management consulting. He is a former President of the North American Lake Management Society and former Editor in Chief of Lake and Reservoir Management, a peer-reviewed journal. |
Jennifer Lynn Jermalowicz-Jones, CLM Restorative Lake Sciences jenniferj@restorativelakesciences.com ![]() |
Dr. Jermalowicz-Jones holds three degrees—a BS from Michigan Technological University, an MS from Grand Valley State University, and a Ph.D. from Michigan State University. She did a thesis as a junior in high school titled: “The Experimental Use of Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide on Nuisance Algae to Reduce Lake Eutrophication”. Her love of lakes began at the age of 4 when she received her first microscope and had a pet turtle. Jennifer started Restorative Lake Sciences in 2012 to assist inland lake communities with evaluation of complex lake problems and offering ecologically responsible and economically feasible management and restoration options. In 2011, while a doctorate student at MSU, Jennifer was awarded a Professional Watershed Manager Certification and also received the prestigious Gilbert W. Mouser Fellowship. In 2020, Jennifer was awarded the “Master’s Jacket” for her 10 years of service on the Michigan Lake and Stream Association Board of Directors where she currently serves as the Science Advisory Chair. Jennifer regularly publishes in the Michigan Riparian and prepares hundreds of scientific-technical reports annually. |
David Austin, CLM Jacobs Engineering Group david.austin10@jacobs.com |
Erik Bye, CLM SEH ebye@sehinc.com |
James A. Johnson, CLM Freshwater Scientific Services james@freshwatersci.com ![]() |
James Johnson (MS Limnology, UMN–Twin Cities; BS Conservation/Zoology, UW–Madison) is the owner of Freshwater Scientific Services (fixmylake.com) and has over 20 years of experience working closely with citizen lake groups, local/state government, and university researchers to protect and improve the waters in the MN and WI. He specializes in developing lake management plans, monitoring and managing aquatic invasive plants, promoting the recovery of native plant communities, mapping urban stormwater ponds, and researching the impacts of common carp on wild rice and other native aquatic plants. He is currently the chair of the Minnesota Statewide Aquatic Invasive Species Advisory Committee and has served on various technical advisory panels for the University of Minnesota, MN Department of Natural Resources, and planning committees for regional lakes conferences. |
Dendy Lofton, CLM LimnoTech dlofton@limno.com ![]() |
Dendy Lofton, PhD, CLM, is a limnologist and aquatic ecologist at LimnoTech with over ten years of experience in water resource monitoring, assessment, and management. She holds a PhD in Environmental Science (Limnology) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she studied carbon and nutrient cycling in shallow Arctic Alaskan lakes. Dr. Lofton applies her expertise in limnology, aquatic ecology and biogeochemistry to several focus areas, including lake restoration and management, stream restoration, urban waterfront revitalization, and watershed planning and management. Currently, she leads and supports water resource restoration- and management-related projects throughout the U.S., including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, and California. Dr. Lofton is the practice lead for LimnoTech’s Lake Restoration and Management service area and is based in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. |
Moriya Rufer, MS, CLM Houston Engineering mrufer@houstoneng.com ![]() |
Moriya Rufer (MS, UMN – Twin Cities) is a Scientist III and Watershed Planner at Houston Engineering (HEI). She has 15 years’ experience in working with lakes and lake issues including monitoring, data assessment, aquatic invasive species, and planning. She is also a trained facilitator and involved in developing and implementing protection strategies for lakes in Minnesota. Her passion is working to protect and restore Minnesota’s water resources, and her personable approach makes her a trusted partner in lake projects. HEI provides a variety of lake services including modeling, mapping, planning, outlet design and installation, and dam modification to rock arch rapids. |
Jeffrey Strom, CLM Wenck Associates, Inc. jstrom@wenck.com |
Andrew Skibo, CLM Amaruq Environmental Services andrew.skibo@amaruqenvironmental.com ![]() |
Andrew Z. Skibo, PhD. Is the President and Founder of Amaruq Environmental Services (Missoula, MT), a Land and Water Resource Management consulting services provider serving the Pacific Northwest. Andrew and his company specialize in aquatic & terrestrial invasive species management, nutrient pollution mitigation, harmful algae bloom control, and remote monitoring. Dr. Skibo has over 16 years’ experience as an aquatics technical specialist supporting stakeholders, resource management agencies, and application companies across the Western United States. Dr. Skibo’s background is in invasive species management (PhD 08’, University of Delaware) investigating herbicide mode-of-action, and the identification and management of terrestrial, riparian, and aquatic weed species.
Tyler Fowler, CLM Waterworks Industries, Inc. tyler@waterworksindustries.com ![]() |
Tyler is currently the Regulatory Compliance Manager at Waterworks Industries Inc. located in Windsor, CA. He earned an undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies at San Francisco State University in 2005 with a minor in Geography. Tyler entered the field of Lake Management in 2007 and has been managing lake, reservoir and lagoon systems for twelve years. Tyler specializes in developing and implementing lake and lagoon management programs as well as providing regulatory compliance and permitting for various private clients and municipalities throughout the Western United States. Tyler is also a licensed applicator in California, Nevada and Oregon. |
Laura Diemer, CLM FB Environmental Associates laurad@fbenvironmental.com ![]() |
Laura serves as the Environmental Monitoring Lead and Senior Project Manager for FB Environmental Associates (FBE) in Dover, NH. She manages and provides technical oversight of water quality monitoring and assessment projects and watershed management planning and implementation projects that require monitoring design and execution, water quality analyses, pollutant/nutrient load modeling, quality assurance/quality control review, plan development, statistical analyses, GIS mapping, and public presentations/communication. She has extensive experience working with a variety of clients, including federal, state, and municipal governments or agencies, watershed groups, lake associations, other non-profit organizations, and private businesses or individuals. Prior to FBE, she gained valuable experience through the National Park Service, New England Organics, Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, and The Nature Conservancy. She holds a B.S. degree in Ecology & Environmental Science from the University of Maine, Orono and a M.S. degree in Soil & Water Resource Management from the University of New Hampshire, Durham. |
Emily DiFranco, PMP, CLM Weston & Sampson Engineers DiFranco.Emily@wseinc.com ![]() |
Emily is a Project Manager and Water Resources Scientist for Weston & Sampson Engineers in Portsmouth, NH. She has over fifteen years of experience conducting and managing watershed planning, resiliency, surface water quality investigations, stormwater, training/outreach, and water resource projects throughout New England. Throughout her career, Emily has worked for municipal, state, and federal agencies, lake and watershed associations, and regional planning commissions. She has developed over a dozen EPA-approved nine-element watershed-based plans and has assisted many communities with obtaining federal and state funding to implement actions developed through the watershed planning process. In addition, she was worked with New Hampshire and Massachusetts state agencies on updates to their stormwater manuals. Emily is a certified Project Management Profession (PMP) and holds an M.S in Water Resources from the University of New Hampshire and a B.Sc in Geography from McGill University. |
Don Kretchmer, CLM DK Water Resource Consulting dkretchmer@metrocast.net |
Heather Desko, CLM New Jersey Water Supply Authority hdesko@raritanbasin.org |
Christopher Doyle, CLM SOLitude Lake Management cdoyle@solitudelake.com |
Glenn Sullivan, CLM SOLitude Lake Management gsullivan@solitudelake.com |
Matthew Albright, CLM SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station Matthew.Albright@oneonta.edu |
Stradder Caves, CLM SOLitude Lake Management stradder.c.caves@gmail.com ![]() |
Stradder Caves attained a B.S. in Aquatic and Fisheries Science, with a minor in Marine Science, from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry and an M.S. in Lake Management from the State University of New York College at Oneonta. During his studies, he learned about the management and biology of aquatic ecosystems. He now works for SOLitude Lake Management as an Aquatic Specialist and is involved in many different aspects of managing water bodies throughout New York State. |
Luke Gervase, CLM GEI Consultants lgervase@geiconsultants.com ![]() |
Luke Gervase has been a Project Ecologist with GEI Consultants Huntington Station office since August 2019. He is a graduate of SUNY E.S.F. (B.S. in aquatics and fisheries science with a minor in marine ecology) and SUNY Oneonta (M.S. in lake management). His master’s thesis and research were focused on writing a comprehensive lake management plan for the Millsite Lake Property Owners Association in Redwood, NY. Luke is a licensed aquatic pesticide applicator in Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York. A jack of all trades but an expert of none, Luke has experience working on lakes and ponds throughout the northeast, surveying for invasive species in the aquatic and terrestrial world, lecturing to a variety of groups, and has a particular passion and interest in aquatic vegetation and fisheries management. When not in the field Luke enjoys cooking, hiking, fishing, and rooting for New York sports teams. |
Willard Harman, CLM SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station willard.harman@oneonta.edu ![]() |
Bill Harman has directed the State University of New York College at Oneonta Biological Field Station since 1968. He holds the endowed R.J. Thayer Chair for Otsego Lake Research and has taught General zoology, Aquatic Biology, Marine Biology, Entomology, Parasitology, Malacology, Small boat Handling and Marlinspike Seamanship, Biological Research Methods for SCUBA Divers, Lake Management and Management of the Aquatic Biota. He now directs Master of Science in Lake Management and Professional Science Master’s degree programs, the only such programs in the country. He is active in the Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Panel, the New York State Invasive Species Taskforce Advisory Council and Vice President of the New York State Federation of Lake Associations. Students are now working in professional venues in the United States and Internationally. He spent 6 years in the US Navy as a diver in Explosive and Nuclear Ordnance Disposal, received a BS degree from the NYS College of Forestry (Wildlife Management) and a Ph.D. from Cornell University with concentrations in limnology, invertebrate zoology, and marine ecology. |
Michael R. Martin, CLM Suozzo, Doty & Associates, PLLC mmartin@sdapllc.com ![]() |
Michael R. Martin has a well-rounded background in environmental management with 40 years working in public service, not-for-profit and consulting. He is a past-president of NALMS, and has served on the executive committee of NALMS and has served as Regional Director for both NALMS and NYSFOLA. He has extensive experience in lake & river watershed monitoring and management, watershed and water quality response modeling, effluent plume modeling, stormwater modeling and SWPPP development, PFAS, water source investigations, environmental permitting, aquatic invasive species management, harmful algal blooms (HABs) identification and management plans, and wetland delineation and restoration plans. He has collected, analyzed, and interpreted water quality data and developed/implemented long term lake and watershed management programs on hundreds of lakes, ponds and rivers throughout NY, NH, PA, NJ, DE, WV, VA, and IN. He has been involved in feasibility studies on numerous waterbodies and watersheds to address issues such as aquatic invasive species, nutrient enrichment, HABs, internal phosphorus loading, urban & agricultural NPS pollution; and developed watershed management plans that dealt with both in-lake and watershed sources of nutrients. |
Megan Myers, CLM Rensselaer County Soil & Water Conservation District Megan.PB.Myers@gmail.com ![]() |
Megan holds a BS in Environmental Studies from SUNY ESC. Part of her college degree included summer residencies in the Adirondacks, located at SUNY ESF’s Wanakena Ranger School, the Cranberry Lake Biological Station, and Adirondack Ecological Center. In addition, she was accepted into a School of Field Studies Program through Boston University for Wildlife Management, where she spent a summer abroad in Africa in Amboseli and Tsavo near the base of Mount Kilimanjaro in Kenya. Here, she primarily conducted fieldwork including elephant population surveys and vegetation inventories.
Beyond Megan’s degrees, she pursued graduate-level courses in physical science at MCLA and UMass Amherst and earned an extensive amount of continuing education units. She received Certificates in Advanced Field Botany, and Wildlife Rescue and Oiled Response. She has completed several trainings in Wetland Delineation under the US Army Corps of Engineers methodology, and in Watershed Management by the US Environmental Protection Agency. She has accomplished Certifications as a Senior Ecologist with the Ecological Society of America, a Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS) with the Society of Wetland Scientists, Apprentice Wetland Scientist with the NH Board of Natural Scientists, and now also a Certified Lake Professional (CLP) with NALMS. She is a member of the NYS Federation of Lakes Association, North American Lakes Management Society and on the Board of Directors for the Soil & Water Conservation Society-Empire NY Chapter. Megan is an NYS DEC Licensed Volunteer Wildlife Rehabilitator and NYS DEC Licensed Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator with a special condition for the use of Beaver Cable Restraints. Since 2006, Megan had been professionally employed at an engineering firm, Guntlow & Associates, Inc. in Massachusetts as a Wetland Specialist, consisting of a broad range of specialties. She is a Wetland Delineator which demands the knowledge of vegetation identification and sampling, soils interpretation, and documenting indicators of hydrology. In this profession, she provides regulatory consultation for residential, commercial, municipal, and institutional projects. As a consultant, she specializes in some of the most stringent environmental regulations known in the nation, the MA Wetlands Protection Act, MA Endangered Species Act, and US Clean Waters Act. Megan designs environmental plans to meet environmental regulatory requirements, including but not limited to; notes and specifications for onsite erosion controls and sedimentation prevention plans, wetland mitigation plans, riparian restoration plans, and invasive species removal plans. These plans are proposed to local Conservation Commissions, and state and federal regulatory agencies for approvals and issuances of environmental permits. Megan has recently reduced her consulting services in Massachusetts and Vermont as a Wetland Specialist, to become a new staff member to the Rensselaer County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) in Troy, NY. She’s looking forward to assisting her local community in this new direction. Megan is a volunteer for the lake she resides on as a 4-H Leader in Environmental Education, a chair of her lakes Environmental Committee, and participates in the PRISM and NYSFOLA’s Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP). Here, she is involved in sharing the tasks of conducting aquatic plant sampling and collecting Babcock Lake water samples during the summer months to aid in the preparation of an annual lake report. Lastly, Megan prepared an extensive Native Aquatic Plant Removal Analysis for Babcock Lake, and it was recently included in their lakes Management Plan. |
Alejandro (A.J.) Reyes, CLM Northeast Aquatic Research ajreyes1022@gmail.com ![]() |
Alejandro (A.J.) Reyes received a B.S. in Ecology at SUNY Plattsburgh and an M.S. degree in Lake Management from SUNY Oneonta. A.J. spent years living in various parts of the country working on water quality and invasive species research projects with the United States Geological Survey. Most recently, he served as an Extension Associate for North Carolina State University where he was the liaison between multiple stakeholder groups including the reservoir utility owner, the NC Department of Environmental Quality, and the thousands of residents that lived along the shoreline. A.J. recently moved back to the northeast and began working for Northeast Aquatic Research at the beginning of 2018. A.J. leads and assists in a number of lake water quality and aquatic plant management projects in New York and Connecticut. When he’s not managing lakes, A.J. enjoys fishing, hiking and cheering on New York sports teams. |
Dan Stich, CLM SUNY College at Oneonta – Biology Dept. daniel.stich@oneonta.edu |
Holly Waterfield, CLM SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station holly.waterfield@oneonta.edu |
Nicole White, CLM Little Bear Environmental Consulting LLC streamspecialist@gmail.com ![]() |
Nicole has been with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Invasive Species Coordination Section for the past several years. Nicole is a conservation biologist with over 15 years of experience in water quality monitoring, riparian land protection, and aquatic invasive species management. She owns an environmental consulting firm which has contracted with the Westchester County Soil & Water Conservation District, Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Seed Bank. She enjoys working with a variety of sea monsters and stakeholders in complex watersheds. She earned a B.S. in Conservation Biology from the SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry. |
Brendan Wiltse, CLM Ausable River Association brendan@ausableriver.org ![]() |
Brendan is the Science & Stewardship Director for the Ausable River Association in Wilmington, NY. His research focuses on road salt impacts to freshwater lakes and streams, the response of lakes and streams to recent climate change using a combination of neo- and paleolimnological approaches, and studying the distribution of fish species using environmental-DNA. Brendan is also an Adjunct Faculty member at Paul Smith’s College, teaching a Biostatistics course. He holds a Ph.D. in paleolimnology from Queen’s University and a B.Sc. in Field Biology from Paul Smith’s College. Brendan also serves on the board of the Adirondack Lakes Alliance as a regional director. |
Kiyoko Yokota, CLM SUNY Oneonta Biological Field Station Kiyoko.Yokota@oneonta.edu ![]() |
Kiyoko Yokota is a limnologist with a particular interest in phytoplankton population dynamics and biogeochemical cycling. She teaches undergraduate and graduate limnology, lake management, and other biology courses at State University of New York at Oneonta and volunteers as a technical advisor for Otsego Lake Association in Otsego County, NY, USA. Kiyoko and her research collaborators collect high frequency lake data with a NSF-funded monitoring buoy on Otsego Lake and participate in various team lake science projects through the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network. Kiyoko graduated with a B.S. (biology w/ ecology emphasis) from Saint Cloud State University in Minnesota and qualified as an Associate Professional Engineer (As.P.E.Jp) while working for a civil engineering consultancy in Tokyo, Japan, on water quality prediction and management projects for new and existing reservoirs, lakes and rivers. Kiyoko earned a Ph.D. in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior from University of Minnesota and completed a short-term postdoctoral training at Netherland Institute for Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) before she started to teach full time. |
West Bishop, CLM SePRO Research & Technology Campus westb@sepro.com |
West’s research focus is on efficient proactive and reactive algae management as well as water quality improvement. |
Byran Fuhrmann, CLM SePRO Corporation byranf@sepro.com |
Cameron Deacoff, CLM Nova Scotia Environment and Climate Change cameron.deacoff@novascotia.ca ![]() |
Cameron serves as the province’s surface water quality program lead. In this capacity, Cameron administers the province’s surface water quality management program. He coordinates programs and initiatives for the management of surface water quality in Nova Scotia for the protection of human and environmental health. He develops standards, guidelines, policy and procedures, and provides professional advice and specialist consultation services on surface water for the Department. Cameron also represents Nova Scotia on the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment’s Water Management Committee, which develops initiatives in response to CCME’s water priorities. |
Edward Kwietniewski, CLM Aqua DOC Lake and Pond Management edwardk@aquadocinc.com ![]() |
Edward Kwietniewski has been engaged with water and its many uses throughout his life. He received his Bachelors in Aquatics and Fisheries Science through the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry and completed his Masters in Lake Management through the State University of New York College at Oneonta. His thesis work consisted of monitoring and developing a holistic management plan for Rushford Lake, a large reservoir in western New York that engaged in an annual large-scale drawdown. For the past 4 years since he has lived in Ohio where he works hand-in-hand with lake stakeholders to assist and develop data-driven short-term and long-term solutions to nuisance growth on various water bodies across the state. In his spare time, he is an extremely avid fisherman and vehicle tinkerer with a drive to continue to develop new skills. |
Brian Ginn, CLM Lake Simoe Region Conservation Authority b.ginn@lsrca.on.ca |
Brian is the Limnologist with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada. His research expertise uses organisms to monitor environmental conditions, assess ecological change, and develop lake management strategies. To date, his research has addressed environmental issues such as: surface-water acidification, nutrient inputs (eutrophication), changes in fish habitat, climate change, and how landscape development (i.e., urbanization) impacts lake environments. |
Mark Rosenkranz, CLM Lake Oswego Corporation mark.rosenkranz@lakecorp.com ![]() |
Mark Rosenkranz has been working on lakes in Oregon for over 20 years, first as a graduate student at Portland State University where he received a Masters in Environmental Management followed by 16 years as a staff scientist for the Lake Oswego Corporation (LOC). His work at LOC is focused on invasive species management, watershed monitoring, and phosphorus control in an urban lake. As climate change intensifies storm events and leads to warmer summer weather it is going to be crucial to plan for how surface water quality will be impacted. Mark has been a member of NALMS since 2002 and served as President of the Oregon Lakes Association in 2004 and 2005. |
Ed Molesky, MS, CLM Aqua Link Lake Management Hydro Logic Products & Lake Aeration emolesky@aqualinkinc.com emolesky@hydrologicproducts.com ![]() |
Ed Molesky is the President of Aqua Link Lake Management and Hydro Logic Products & Lake Aeration. Mr. Molesky received his B.S. Degree in Biology and M.S. Degree in Environmental Pollution Control from The Pennsylvania State University. He is a Certified Lake Manager (CLM) through the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS). Ed has over 30+ years of experience in water resources management and has participated in over 100 major lake, stream and watershed studies throughout the U.S.
Aqua Link Lake Management and Hydro Logic Products & Lake Aeration are both located in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Aqua Link is a consulting firm specializing in lake, stream, and watershed management and restoration. Aqua Link has extensive experience in study design, water quality monitoring, lake mapping, fisheries management, and implementing a wide in-lake best management practices such as lake aeration, bioaugmentation, algae and aquatic plant control, nutrient inactivation, and lake liming. Hydro Logic manufactures its own line of lake aeration equipment and bio-augmentation products which are sold throughout the U.S. and internationally. Bio-augmentation products are applied to lakes to improve water quality and clarity and breakdown accumulated lake sediments using highly concentrated, selected strains of microbes. Mr. Molesky has extensive experience in project management, study design, water quality monitoring, data analysis and interpretation, evaluating in-lake best management practices, developing comprehensive lake and watershed management plans, report preparation. Ed Molesky is currently the President Elect of the PA Lake Management Society (PALMS, palakes.org) He has served as the PALMS President on three other occasions back in 2021-22, 2004-05 and 1997-98. Ed has served on the PALMS Board of Director for over 25 years as longtime member of this organization. Ed is also an active member of the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS), the Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society (NEAPMS), and Society of Lake Management Professionals (SLMP). |
Matthew Ladewig, CLM ESS Group, Inc. mladewig@essgroup.com |
Carl Nielsen, CLM ESS Group, Inc. cnielsen@essgroup.com |
Julie Davis, CLM Greenwood County Lake Management jdavis@greenwoodsc.gov ![]() |
Born and raised in the upstate of South Carolina, Julie Marie Corley Davis has served as Director of Lake Management for Greenwood County since the fall of 2006. Lake Greenwood, situated in the foothills of SC is an 11,400-acre lake owned by Greenwood County and bordered by three counties. Lake Greenwood, a FERC licensed project, was created in the late 1930s and is a treasure for the surrounding communities. After graduating from Clemson University with a Bachelor of Science in Resource Management and a Minor in Wildlife, Aquaculture, and Fisheries Biology, Julie began her professional career with the SC State Park Service. After working with them for six years, she went back to Clemson and obtained her Master’s degree in Parks and Protected Area Management. After graduation, Julie was hired on with Greenwood County when the Lake Management Department was created in 2006.
Julie became one of the first Certified Lake Managers in South Carolina as recognized through the North American Lake Management Society. Along with this, she is a Certified Erosion Prevention Sediment Control Inspector, Master Pond Manager, and a licensed Herbicide and Public Health Applicator. When off duty, she travels home to the lake on which she lives, Lake Thurmond, or as most remember it, Clarks’ Hill. Lake Thurmond is on the Savannah River in McCormick County on the border between GA and SC. There, she lives with her husband, Matt and two labs, a black lab named “Lizzie” and a chocolate lab named “Chloe”. They are out on the lake as often as possible. |
Anthony Martinez Spartanburg Water Systems amartinez@sws-sssd.org ![]() |
My name is Anthony Martinez and I am a Watershed Management Specialist with Spartanburg Water Systems (SWS), located in Spartanburg, South Carolina. After high school, in 2007, I became a Detention Officer for the county police department. In 2010 I joined the military and served for 6 years with to overseas tours as UH-60 Blackhawk Maintainer and Aircrew Member. In 2016 I left the military and attended Arizona State University. While in college I became the president of the Student Veteran Organization and the Environmental Community Outreach club. In 2019 I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science. I returned back to South Carolina in 2020 and was hired on with Spartanburg Water Systems in 2022 where I monitor the land use and water quality around three drinking water reservoirs that supply more than 200,000 people with more than 26 million gallons of drinking water. My duties at work involve soil and water sampling, water and land data collection for mapping, conducting surveys, creating and issuing permits to conduct activities on our property, and aquatic vegetation control. On my days off I coach my daughters youth girls softball team and spend time with the family. |
Savannah Rampy, LMA Go Fish Texas LLC sarampy11@gmail.com ![]() |
Savannah Rampy, is a Wildlife Biologist with a focus in pond and lake management, located in Canyon, Texas. She earned her B.S in Wildlife Biology from West Texas A&M University. During this time she also earned experience with B.A.S.S. Nation conservation, where she worked on fish habitat, shoreline restoration, invasive species control, and community outreach for lakes and reservoirs in New Mexico. She is currently the owner of her pond and lake management business Go Fish Texas llc., where she primarily works on construction and implementation of fish habitat, pond assessments, pond construction, and invasive species management plans for ponds. In her spare time Savannah is an outdoorsman who loves any chance she can get to get out and enjoy our natural resources. |
Jennifer Stanley, LMA North Texas Municipal Water District jstanley@ntmwd.com |
Ken Johnston, LMA UVM/Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation kjohnst6@uvm.edu |
Shannon Junior, CLM EutroPHIX shannon.junior@eutrophix.com |
Terry McNabb, CLM AquaTechnex tmcnabb@aquatechnex.com ![]() |
Terry McNabb is a graduate of Michigan State University with a degree in Water Resource Management and operates Aquatechnex, LLC. Aquatechnex LLC is a full service lake and aquatic plant management firm that operates from offices in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. The firm has a recognized expertise in the restoration of lake and river systems impacted by invasive aquatic weeds and management of Harmful Algae Blooms. Terry has been involved in lake management for over 40 years. He is a past president of the Aquatic Plant Management Society, the North American Lake Management Society and the Western Aquatic Plant Management Society. He is a recipient of the US Asia Environmental Partnership grant to work with lake restoration activities in Malaysia and Indonesia. He is a cooperator with the US Army Corps of Engineers Aquatic Plant Control Research Program and an instructor for the University of California-Davis Aquatic Weed School. |
Drew Stang, LMA dstang31@outlook.com |
Ryan Van Goethem, CLM EutroPHIX ryanv@eutrophix.com |
Eric Zimdars, CLM USACE Eric.S.Zimdars@usace.army.mil ![]() |
Eric’s initial interest in freshwater systems came from fishing trips with his grandfather in Iowa and godfather in Georgia throughout his youth. He went on to pursue a B.A. in Environmental Studies at Warren Wilson College, where he focused on Environmental Education. Upon graduating, he served in the Peace Corps in Paraguay as an agricultural volunteer. Inspired by his time living in rural Paraguay, he decided to pursue a master’s degree focused on water quality when he returned to the states. While completing a M.S.C.E. at the University of Washington, concentrated in Water Quality in Natural Systems, Eric served as a Pathways Intern with the Seattle District Corps of Engineers (CENWS). Since completing his masters, Eric has worked full-time at CENWS as a water quality engineer. He conducts physical sampling, monitoring, and water quality modeling of civil works projects and their associated water bodies in Washington, Northern Idaho, and Northwest Montana. He also helps co-facilitate the EPA Benthic Cyanobacteria Discussion group. |
Korin Doering, CLM GEI Consultants kdoering@geiconsultants.com ![]() |
Korin is a Project Manager at GEI Consultants, specializing in freshwater ecology and restoration. She holds a B.S. in Environmental Studies from the University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh and an M.S. in Water Resources Management from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. With over 11 years of professional experience, Korin and her team at GEI deliver on a variety of services for freshwater systems and watersheds including field surveys, monitoring, comprehensive planning, stakeholder engagement, grant support, restoration design, permitting, construction oversight, and more. She currently manages and supports aquatic-based projects across Wisconsin and the Midwest. She also serves as the Lake Winnebago Region Representative on the Wisconsin Waterways Commission for the State of Wisconsin.
Before joining GEI, Korin was a Program Director at Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance where she developed and led the Winnebago Waterways Program. This included creating and implementing the Winnebago Waterways Recovery Plan, which covered 159,097 acres of surface water in the Winnebago Pool Lakes, spanned four Wisconsin counties, and encompassed 32 HUC12 subwatersheds. Prior to her role at Fox-Wolf, she assisted with research projects at UW-Madison, served as an aquatic invasive species outreach coordinator for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and worked on the Fox River PCB cleanup project for Tetra Tech. Korin’s professional interests focus on aquatic plants, invasive species, in-lake and riparian habitat enhancement, coastal resiliency, and reducing nutrient and sediment pollution. Her expertise encompasses program and project development, strategic planning on a regional scale, securing financial resources on behalf of clients, building partnerships, and effective communication with both internal and external stakeholders. Her recent projects have ranged from small shoreline plantings to large-scale breakwall restorations, and she excels in leading complex projects involving multiple funders and partners. |
Ronald French, CLM Great Lakes Ecological Monitoring LLC ronald.french@greatlakesecological.com ![]() |
Ronald French has over 30 years of environmental monitoring experience with lakes and streams, serving as principal-in-charge or project manager for projects involving; water quality, sediment remediation, Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs); stormwater impacts to lakes and streams, wetland delineations and fish/macroinvertebrate community structure studies. Ron has spent a major part of his career assisting local and regional agencies in resolving water quality issues to meet project-specific regulatory standards. This work has included conducting water quality studies of lakes and streams to support Natural Resource Damage Assessments (NRDA), collection of fish in reservoirs through gill-netting and electrofishing, preparation of field sampling plans and quality assurance project plans, statistical analysis of data, preparation of expert witness reports and assisting municipalities with grant funding applications. He has assisted agencies in Oklahoma with a large water quality monitoring program to assess the impacts of nutrient runoff from farm fields into streams and reservoirs. He was instrumental in leading the development of a Use Attainability Analysis on the Chicago Area Waterway System to identify existing and potential uses, in order to develop appropriate water quality standards to protect those uses. He has built up many contacts in local, state and federal agencies through the development and processing of these projects, and is very familiar with the regulatory and permitting process related to projects that may impact water quality. |
Kirsten James, CLM Hey and Associates, Inc. kjames@heyassoc.com ![]() |
Growing up, Kirsten spent many summers in the driftless area, exploring forests, creeks, and backwaters of the Wisconsin River, inspiring her to restore and protect these natural areas for years to come. A graduate of the Wisconsin Lake Leaders Institute, Kirsten received her degree in fisheries and water resources, emphasizing hydrology, and environmental management applications of Geographic Information Systems from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point College of Natural Resources, where she began work with many lake, river, and watershed management groups through the University of Wisconsin Extension Lakes Program. Since, she has earned her Professional Engineering licensure in the State of Wisconsin. Kirsten has acted as project engineer on a variety of stormwater, floodplain, planning, recreational, and restoration projects. Background in hydrologic, hydraulic, and water quality modeling, design, permitting, and grant writing positions her well to restore and protect water quality and improve local communities. As an active member of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Water Resources Association and the Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention planning team, and avid hiker and kayaker, Kirsten’s always looking for the next wild water to explore. |
Brian Valleskey, CLM Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. BValleskey@geosyntec.com ![]() |
Brian is a Hydrologist and Certified Lake Professional with the knowledge and experience in working on numerous lakes based projects from shoreline restoration and dredging to biological ecosystem assessments. With over 15 years of permitting compliance and grant writing capability, Brian has worked throughout the Midwest and has extensive knowledge of the regulatory environment. Brian also serves on numerous advisory boards, committees, and has helped guide watershed-based planning activities tied to lake management focused on minimizing pollutant loading with strategic and prioritized project development. |
Sonja Wixom, CLM TIGRIS Aquatic Services SWixom@tigrisusa.com ![]() |
Sonja Wixom earned her Bachelor of Science from the State University of New York (SUNY) College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, NY. She then went on to earn her Master of Science in Lake Management at SUNY College at Oneonta, in Oneonta NY in 2019. Since then, Sonja has grown her career by serving communities in a variety of roles from New York, Texas, North Carolina, and to now in the Upper Midwest. Sonja works for TIGRIS Aquatic Services, and provides services such as aquatic invasive species management, stormwater maintenance, environmental education, and wetland, pond, and lake management in Minnesota and Wisconsin. |