Partnerships: Source Water Collaborative (SWC) Mid-Year Update

NALMS is a member organization of the Source Water Collaborative. SWC Members, As co-chair, one of my goals is a mid-year update on the Source Water Collaborative’s (SWC’s) Action Plan and progress, so I wanted to take a few moments to summarize our work this past year for all members. In our first year with member financial contributions, I think it’s an important opportunity to provide a big picture perspective, so everyone understands the sum of our efforts and collaboration. The SWC helped promote effective working relationships for Farm Bill ...

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Looking Back on Lakes Appreciation Month 2019

As it does every year, we blink … and Lakes Appreciation Month, celebrated annually in July, is over! With ever-growing threats like climate change, invasive species, growing population, and more … it’s never been a more important time to bring the issues that affect our freshwater resources to the forefront. All life needs water; let’s not take it for granted! Highlights from Lakes Appreciation Month 2019 include: Our members and supporters got the word out for Lakes Appreciation Month by hosting lake shoreline clean-ups, Lake Appreciation community ...

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President’s Message — July / August 2019

As we start wrapping up summer sampling, NALMS encourages you to consider joining one of our committees to fill your fall free time! NALMS committees and programs have been active this year – read on to learn more. Development: Ellen Preece and Lisa Borre and the development committee are putting the final touches on NALMS’ inaugural development plan. The plan details the future development goals for NALMS including on-going efforts to increase funding for Secchi Dip-In expansion, Lakes Appreciation Month, and student programs including travel grants to the ...

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2019 Summer LakeLine issue on Harmful Algal Blooms

2019 Summer LakeLine issue on Harmful Algal Blooms
Every other year, the summer issue of NALMS LakeLine focuses on what is currently going on in terms of cyanobacteria research, technologies, and advisories. It seems like HABs are occurring at an ever-increasing frequency, with Lake Erie’s large and long-lived bloom well-publicized in the media in recent years, and fears lingering of another such epic bloom. Topics in the 2019 summer issue include the detection of cyanobacteria with satellites, a well-developed monitoring program on Lake Champlain, and the importance of studying benthic cyanobacteria.

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Student Video Series: “Lake Management – Biomanipulation”

NALMS is seeking student-produced videos of "Lake Management - Biomanipulation" for inclusion in the video series hosted on the NALMS YouTube channel and website. In addition to the basic requirements in the Video Evaluation Rubric, this video can cover: Defining lake management Definition of biomanipulation General examples with pros and cons OR a case study with key requisites (e.g., only recommend in soft water) and/or assumptions (e.g., no drastic water level fluctuation) Conclusion References cite and additional resources (if available) Awards ...

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Determining the Potential Danger of Cyanobacteria in Your Lake

How to determine cyanobacteria danger in your lake
The process of assessing the potential danger of cyanobacteria in a water body includes several steps, which are delineated below, including determination of where to sample, how to sample in the field, identification of cyanobacteria present, and detection of toxins.

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Visualizing Cyanobacteria from Space

Visualizing Cyanobacteria from Space | NALMS LakeLine Summer 2019
California has funded the San Francisco Estuary Institute to develop an interactive Satellite Analysis Tool to characterize the seasonality, spatial distribution, and development of harmful algal blooms in 250 of the state’s largest waterbodies. This tool provides a spatial display of cyanobacteria blooms, easy to understand charts that let you see long-term and short-term trends.

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Cyanobacteria Toxin Testing

Cyanobacteria Toxin Testing
The process of assessing the potential danger of cyanobacteria in a water body includes several steps. Step 4 focuses on the detection of cyanobacterial toxins.

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Satellite-Detected Cyanobacteria in Large U.S. Lakes on Your Android Phone

Satellite-Detected Cyanobacteria in Large U.S. Lakes on Your Android Phone | NALMS LakeLine Summer 2019
Water quality managers need access to current, inexpensive and quality data to protect water resources. To assist in the proactive management of cyanoHAB events, EPA researchers, along with researchers from NASA, NOAA, and the USGS have developed a time-efficient way to use satellite data in monitoring for cyanoHAB events to help protect recreational and drinking water sources.

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A Deeper Look at HABs

A Deeper Look at HABs | NALMS LakeLine Summer 2019
Cyanobacteria that have the potential to cause HABs can be found in a diverse array of aquatic systems, from the highly visible planktonic blooms to less conspicuous benthic mats. To date, benthic cyanobacteria that grow on substrates in aquatic ecosystems have been overlooked in risk assessments.

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