Notice of NALMS Membership Updates

Membership Dues Cycle - Anniversary to Calendar As we detailed our plan to membership last year at this time, we are in the process of switching from our old anniversary cycle (membership expires one year to the date after you joined or renewed) to the new calendar cycle (members will renew on a fixed date each year, which the Board of Directors has set for January 1). Why did we implement this change?: To re-distribute and even out our annual cash flow. To provide a consistent renewal date for our members, making it easier to remember and renew. To provide ...

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NALMS 2018 Election Results

The annual election for officers and directors is an important way for NALMS members to provide input in the management of the Society. Our officers and directors are all volunteers who serve without pay. Thank you to all the candidates for their dedication to NALMS and thank you to all NALMS members who participated in this year’s election!   President-elect – Perry Thomas Elizabeth “Perry” Thomas has been Region 1 Director on the NALMS Board since 2016 and recently became co-chair of the newly formed Ethics Committee. She brings to the Board 15 years of ...

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Giving Tuesday 11/27/18

This year, on Tuesday, November 27, 2018, NALMS is participating in #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. Since its founding in 2012, #GivingTuesday has inspired giving around the world, resulting in greater donations, volunteer hours, and activities that bring about real change in communities. Whether you choose ...

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NALMS Notes & Lake News September / October 2018

The new issue of NALMS Notes & Lake News is out! This issue is focused on the 2018 NALMS Symposium in Cincinnati, Ohio. In this issue: Now Trending: Innovations in Lake Management Lake Photo of the Month Thank You to Our Sponsors! Thank You to Our Exhibitors! NALMS News Save the Date! 11th National Monitoring Conference Conferences & Events NALMS 2018: Now Trending: Innovations in Lake Management Voice of the Lake NALMS 2019

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NALMS 2018 Photo Contest

It’s a snap! YOU could be the winner of the 2018 NALMS Annual Photo Contest Two winning images will be selected, a Member’s Choice winner selected by Symposium attendees and an Editors’ Choice winner selected by the editor and production editor for the entry that will make the best LakeLine cover. We have secured sponsorship for the Photo Contest, so a $250 gift card will be awarded to each winner. Your favorite lake or reservoir photo could grace a cover of LakeLine! Entries will be judged during the 2018 NALMS Symposium … in Cincinnati, Ohio! ...

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NALMS Notes & Lake News July / August 2018

The new issue of NALMS Notes & Lake News is out! In this issue: Highlights from Lakes Appreciation Month 2018 Lake Photo of the Month News from Our Affiliates NALMS News Donate to NALMS Conferences & Events NALMS 2018: Now Trending: Innovations in Lake Management News from Region 5 News from Region 9 News from Region 11 Lake News & Information

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Lakes Appreciation BINGO

In honor of Lakes Appreciation Month, we were proud to partner with our friends at Earth Science Laboratories to create a fun, kid-friendly game that helps raise awareness of lakes and the issues they face. From ESL: "Our lakes are such a valuable resource. They provide water, energy and enjoyment. This simple “bingo” game is designed to stir creativity, curiosity and action. So, dive right in! Your participation and interaction will push awareness about lake issues to the forefront. It’s reminder for us all to pause and appreciate something we often take for ...

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Lakes Appreciation Month Contest Alert

Our good friends over at Princeton Hydro are putting on a contest in honor of Lakes Appreciation Month! Want to win a free one-year NALMS membership AND a $100 Amazon gift card? Of course you do! HOW TO ENTER THE CONTEST: During the month of July, get out on your local lake and take a few Secchi measurements. Snap a photo of yourself in action and post it to Facebook or Twitter using #LakesAppreciation and tag Princeton Hydro (@PrincetonHydro on Twitter!). (Note: Your account or post must be public for us to view your entry.) Submit your data to NALMS ...

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WOTUS Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

On June 29th, the Environmental Protection Agency and Army Corps of Engineers (agencies) released a “Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” to elaborate on their 2017 proposal to repeal the 2015 Rule Defining Waters of the United States. The Association of Clean Water Administrators developed a helpful summary of the 93-page addendum. Please note that the deadline for comments on the addendum is August 13th. NALMS members are encouraged to engage in this issue by providing their comments and insight. For more information or to submit a comment, please ...

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NALMS Notes & Lake News May / June 2018

The new issue of NALMS Notes & Lake News is out! In this issue: July is Lakes Appreciation Month! From the President Call for 2018 NALMS Election Nominations News From Our Affiliates Thank You to Our Corporate Members! Celebrate Lakes Appreciation Month! Call for 2018 NALMS Achievement Awards Nominations NALMS 2018: Now Trending: Innovations in Lake Management Conferences & Events News from Our Student Director Participate in the 2018 Secchi Dip-In! Lake News & Information Lake Photo of the Month

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