Phytoplankton Monitoring Network: Using Mobile Technologies for Research & Education

Phytoplankton Monitoring Network: Using Mobile Technologies for Research & Education | NALMS LakeLine Summer 2015
The Phytoplankton Monitoring Network is a collaborative “citizen science” program. It allows volunteers across the country to work with NOAA scientists in the study and identification of potentially harmful phytoplankton. A smart phone application, Phyto, helps volunteers learn to identify phytoplankton and as a reference guide to use when analyzing a sample.

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A Space Satellite Perspective to Monitor Water Quality Using your Mobile Phone

A Space Satellite Perspective to Monitor Water Quality Using your Mobile Phone | NALMS LakeLine Summer 2015
The CyAN app uses satellite-derived information from the European Space Agency (ESA), NASA and the USGS to help make initial water quality assessments and quickly alert managers to potential problems and emerging threats. With the CyAN mobile app, water quality managers will have a user- friendly application that will reduce the complexities associated with harnessing satellite data to make fast, efficient initial assessments.

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Building Public Awareness About HABs and Nutrient Pollution

Building Public Awareness About HABs and Nutrient Pollution | photo by Bill Yates
Much is being done on the technical side to reduce nutrient pollution, yet there is recognition that the general public may not fully understand the basic association between nutrient pollution and algal blooms, nor how nutrient pollution can impact their communities and livelihoods.

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Computational Ecology & Open Science: Tools to Help Manage Cyanobacteria in Lakes

Computational Ecology & Open Science: Tools to Help Manage Cyanobacteria in Lakes | NALMS LakeLine Summer 2015
The US Environmental Protection Agency and partner organizations are filling data gaps related to human health risks of cyanotoxins in drinking water. The publication of health advisories will fill some of these gaps while the acquisition of occurrence data, would provide information that will be key to determining how to address cyanotoxin risk.

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Harmful Algal Blooms and Drinking Water Treatment Research

Harmful Algal Blooms and Drinking Water Treatment Research | NALMS LakeLine Summer 2015
The US Environmental Protection Agency has been conducting algal bloom research at multiple facilities around Lake Erie over the past few years to help communities confront the challenge of keeping cyanobacterial toxins from reaching consumers’ taps. The first goal of this research is to determine how drinking water providers can optimize their existing facilities to maximize their treatment capabilities for removing cyanobacteria and their toxins.

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Protecting America’s Water from Harmful Algal Blooms

Protecting America's Water from Harmful Algal Blooms | NALMS LakeLine Summer 2015
The computational approaches we describe here, as well as conducting research via the tenets of open science, will allow us to make significant advances in cyanobacteria ecology and other related fields.

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The New England Region Cyanobacteria Monitoring Program: A Pilot Study

The New England Region Cyanobacteria Monitoring Program: A Pilot Study | NALMS LakeLine Summer 2015
The New England region realized that coordinated efforts between grassroots organizations, resource management agencies, and research institutions were needed to regularly monitor for cyanobacteria and the nutrients that contribute to blooms.

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Photo Contest Engages Public with Harmful Algal Blooms

Photo Contest Engages Public with Harmful Algal Blooms | NALMS LakeLine Summer 2015
Most people have never seen a bloom, and a vital first step in building public awareness about algal blooms is helping the public recognize what an algal bloom looks like. To help engage and educate the public about algal blooms and how to identify them, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency teamed up with the National Environmental Education Foundation and the North American Lake Management Society for the 2014 Algal Bloom Photo Contest.

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In Memoriam – Jim Flynn

Longtime NALMS member and supporter, Jim Flynn, passed away on March 18 after a long battle with Parkinson’s disease. It is not possible to overstate the contributions that Jim has made to NALMS over the years. A member of NALMS from early in its history, Jim and his employer, Hydrolab Inc., were perennial sponsors of NALMS’ annual symposium and the Student Paper Award. Jim was instrumental in the success of the annual symposia, particularly in the early years of the Society. He organized the exhibits as the chair of the Industrial Relations Committee for many ...

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In Memoriam – Lowell Klessig

NALMS and lake management lost an important voice and cherished friend with the death of Lowell Klessig on August 8, 2014, following a courageous battle with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. He died at his beloved New Hopestead Farm in the Town of New Hope, Wisconsin surrounded by family. Lowell’s doctoral dissertation served as the foundation for Wisconsin’s Inland Lake Management Law. He had a long career with the University of Wisconsin-Extension as a Lake District Specialist. He crisscrossed the state to help lake property owners and county boards develop stewardship ...

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