Help NALMS understand how you learn about cyanobacterial blooms on your favorite lake

Help NALMS understand how you learn about cyanobacterial blooms on your favorite lake
How do you learn if and when cyanobacterial blooms occur in your favorite lake? NALMS and the ITRC want to know!

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Membership News — January / February 2020

Why be a member of NALMS? To be part of an international effort to support sound stewardship of our lakes, reservoirs, and watersheds! NALMS is looking forward to a bright future, tackling important issues facing our freshwater bodies today, providing our members and the general public with timely and important resources, and growing our membership on an international scale.   What makes NALMS unique? Our membership. As a NALMS member, you have access to hundreds of others who share your passion and concern for lakes and reservoirs, including professiona...

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News From Our Affiliates — January / February 2020

Colorado Lake and Reservoir Management Association (CLRMA) CLRMA's first event of 2020 will be the Annual Spring Luncheon on April 15. We will have a couple speakers talk about forest health, fire and snowpack projections, and a couple talks about Cherry Creek Reservoir and Rueter-Hess Reservoir. CLMRA is also making plans for an Algae ID workshop for the summer. //   New York State Federation of Lake Associations, Inc. (NYSFOLA) The New York State Federation of Lake Associations, Inc. (NYSFOLA) is gearing up for their 37th annual conference “Resto...

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President’s Message — January / February 2020

Perry Thomas, NALMS President Hang on to your hats, NALMS members and friends! The winds are blowing strong for NALMS as we prepare to sail through the field season and toward Minnesota for our 40th International Symposium. NALMS 2020 Symposium As mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter, the call for abstracts is open for NALMS 2020. The Program Committee plans technical sessions that will do justice to the ambitious theme—NALMS at 40: Leveraging Experience to Manage Diverse Lakes, Landscapes and People. Fundraising for the conference is going well, with many ...

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CASS Releases WOTUS Statement

American Fisheries Society ● Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation ● Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society International Association for Great Lakes Research ● North American Lake Management Society Phycological Society of America ●  Society for Freshwater Science ● Society of Wetland Scientists   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 23, 2020 Contact: Drue Winters (301) 897-8616 x202   AQUATIC SCIENTISTS CRITICIZE REVISED DEFINITION OF WATERS OF THE ...

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Jody Connor Student Awards – 2019

Each year NALMS presents student awards to the best student presentation and best student poster at the annual NALMS symposium. The awards are sponsored by SUNY Oswego. The NALMS Board renamed the student award as the Jody Connor Student Award in memory of Jody Connor, a long-time friend of NALMS who was active on the Education Committee and participated in the reviews of student presentations and posters. The first-place winner receives a check for $200 and a plaque. Honorable mention or second place winners receive a plaque. The Student Awards Committee is chaired by ...

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Cyanobacteria Updates

Cyanobacteria Bloom Detection
In the October/November issue of this newsletter we announced new features on the NALMS Inland HABs Program Webpage, including an interactive Story Map featuring cyanobacteria resources. These resources are maintained by Shane Bradt and Angela Shambaugh, co-chairs of our HABs Committee. Angela Shambaugh is also co-leader of a study focused on harmful cyanobacteria blooms by a national team sponsored by the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC). Angela reports, “The final product will include sections on nutrient management, monitoring, in-lake management ...

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President’s Message — November / December 2019

Good tidings to all on this post-winter-solstice Monday! NALMS sends thanks for a wonderful year. Special thanks to Sara Peel for her hard work and strong leadership as president—and for continuing to serve not only as past-president but as incoming conference coordinator. In the October/November issue of this newsletter, Sara urged us all to consider telling our NALMS stories as part of our celebration of the Society’s 40th year. I want to echo her call here and urge you to send in your story, even if you only have time to send a few lines. If yours is anything ...

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NALMS 2019: Watershed Moments

NALMS and the New England Chapter of NALMS welcomed more than 600 attendees from throughout the US, Canada and seven other countries to a snowy Burlington, Vermont November 11–15 for NALMS’ 39th International Symposium. The week started on Monday with a very full day of 15 workshops and a field trip. In addition to the traditional pre-symposium workshops, Monday’s program included a Lake & Watershed Stewards Program designed for volunteer lake leaders such as conservation commission members, lake and watershed group leaders and members, lakeside residents, as ...

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Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS) 2019: Teamwork on Multiple Fronts

The Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies, or CASS, includes 9 member societies: American Fisheries Society (AFS) Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society (FMCS) International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) Phycological Society of America (PSA) Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) The societies believe that working together ...

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