12 results for tag: lakespert

“Lakespert” – Algal rating system

Steve Lundt, CLM “…signs, signs, everywhere a sign…” And the lake sign should be an “Algalmeter.” Yes, an Algalmeter. I do get tired of signs, especially when I visit a beautiful lake, but I have recently created and installed an algal rating system at a local state park (Figure 1). I based it on the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS) and incorporated it with my lake monitoring events to help with public safety and awareness. Harmful algal blooms are important to understand, control, and are not well understood by the public. Thus, the need for yet another sign. It seems to me that harmful algal blooms are topical news ...

“Lakespert” – Life in lakes now includes moss balls

Steve Lundt, CLM There are three items on my career to-do list: be a guest on National Public Radio’s “Science Friday,” be invited to join a “think tank” about anything, and coin a term. If I can do all three, then I have done my part. So far in my 22-year career in lake and reservoir management, I have at least coined a term: “lakespert.” I will be sharing my experiences and thoughts on various hot topics that relate to the Lakeline theme. For this spring issue, “Life in Lakes” I would like to cover the topic of Marimo Balls, also known on the street as moss ball, Cladophora ball, lake goblin, lake roller, and lake ...